Eric Blore credited as playing...
Bayliss, Jim's Butler
- Nesta Pett, Ann's Aunt: The sight of you has brought back a most unpleasant memory.
- Bayliss, Jim's Butler: That, Madame, leaves me in a state of indifference bordering upon the supernatural.
- Bayliss, Jim's Butler: Mr. Crocker is a fine actor too
- James Crocker, Jr.: My father is not a fine actor. My father is a ham.
- Bayliss, Jim's Butler: Ah, but a delightful ham, sir. A gentleman.
- Bayliss, Jim's Butler: America - I've never been there, sir. Do you think American will understand me?
- James Crocker, Jr.: .: I think we should both make an effort, Bayliss.