David Niven credited as playing...
Bertie Wooster
- Bertie Wooster: It's beginning to filter through the Wooster brain that you government chaps are not government chaps at all.
- Marjorie Lowman: [sarcastically] An *amazing* piece of detective work Mr Wooster.
- Bertie Wooster: I wonder what's happened to our passenger, the Ethiopian fellow - seems to have evaporated.
- Tom Brock: What do you mean?
- Bertie Wooster: Well I can't take you into my confidence - you'll just have to trust your old friend Wooster, that's all. You see, I've decided to take over Miss Lowman's interests permanently.
- Jack Stone: Do you mind telling us what you're talking about?
- Bertie Wooster: No, not at all old boy, it's a pleasure. I have persuaded Miss Lowman that a life of dishonesty never did pay in the final analysis. Of course I never could bear a thief at any price. However, she's an exception, we know that.
- Tom Brock: Is he pulling our leg?
- Jack Stone: He's up to something.
- Bertie Wooster: I am, but it's a secret. However, you may tell your superiors - I take it you two fellas have some superiors - tell them they need worry no more. Explain that that which they are seeking will be placed in their hands tomorrow, and you may add that Bertram Wooster will see to it.
- Jack Stone: Do you know what he's driving at?
- Tom Brock: Sounds a bit barmy to me!