Monte Blue credited as playing...
Unga Khan
- Unga Khan: Recall the troops. With those religious fanatics under control, I'll have no more interference with my plans to destroy the upper world!
- Khan's Henchman: When you succede in sending them to the bottom of the sea, Atlantis will rise once more to its former place in the sun and you will be the ruler of all things.
- Unga Khan: Start the disintegrator!
- Diana Compton: Are you actually proposing to move this huge metal tower? Why?
- Unga Khan: Because it contains all the machinery that has enabled me to harness the atom, the most destructive force known to science. Once I reach the surface I will become the ruler of the upper world... or destroy it!
- Diana Compton: Professor Norton would never agree to such a fiendish plan!
- Prof. Norton: He's insane if he thinks I will.
- Unga Khan: We have ways of persuading people to do our bidding.