Roland Young credited as playing...
- Sultan: I hope you'll enjoy what we've got - if you don't mind taking pot luck?
- Ali Baba: Can I get a hot dog and a bottle of pop?
- Sultan: Hot dog? Pop?
- Ali Baba: That's the great national diet in America. I've just come from there.
- Sultan: America? Where is that?
- Ali Baba: A great open space between New York and Hollywood.
- Ali Baba: Excuse me, who are these fellows? They're not even listening!
- Sultan: They're my new musicians from Africa.
- Ali Baba: Africa?
- [to musicians]
- Ali Baba: What part of Africa?
- Sultan: I'm afraid they don't understand you. You see, they talk a strange tongue.
- Ali Baba: [to musicians] Parlez-vous Français?
- [No response]
- Ali Baba: Se hable espanol? Capisce italian'?
- [No response]
- Ali Baba: Verstehse bissel Yiddish?
- [No response. Ali Baba has a flash of inspiration]
- Ali Baba: Wait a minute! Hi de hi de ho?
- Musicians: Hee de hee de hee!
- Ali Baba: Hey de hey de hey!
- Musicians: Ho de ho de ho!
- Ali Baba: Wait, I think I've got something! You don't have to be a sultan - you can resign!
- Sultan: Resign? Desert my throne? Forsake my people? Allah would never forgive me.
- Ali Baba: You don't have to desert your people. You can go on being the head man, but instead of sultan you become a president.
- Sultan: A what?
- Ali Baba: A president, like they have in America.
- Sultan: Well, does he rule the country?
- Ali Baba: Does he rule the country? Hunh! Ask the Republicans!