Robert Donat credited as playing...
A.J. Fothergill
- Ainsley J. Fothergill aka Peter Ouronov: [the darkness of the gulag is making him lose his mind. Shouting] Night... night... night! Night all the time! Ceaseless night! Nothing but night all over the earth! The sun must be dead! Everything must be dead! We're the last things alive!
- Countess Alexandra Vladinoff: [Asking about a bribe] And all he wanted was your wristwatch?
- Ainsley J. Fothergill aka Peter Ouronov: [Rhetorically] Well, what use is a wristwatch when trains are to be a week late?
- Station Master: Take your seats, please! Kazan... Moscow... Petrograd!
- Ainsley J. Fothergill aka Peter Ouronov: I don't see the train.
- Station Master: Sshh! Trains that are seen are being blown up.
- Ainsley J. Fothergill aka Peter Ouronov: Calendar finished yet?
- Axelstein: Well, I can't be quite sure if its March 15th or the 16th. I suppose it makes little difference.
- Ainsley J. Fothergill aka Peter Ouronov: Well, at least we do know that it is 1916. Two years in this frozen hell while the rest of the world turns upside down and inside out. And no tobacco.
- Countess Alexandra Vladinoff: I'm ready.
- Ainsley J. Fothergill aka Peter Ouronov: Wait!
- Countess Alexandra Vladinoff: Am I not to be shot?
- Ainsley J. Fothergill aka Peter Ouronov: No.
- Countess Alexandra Vladinoff: But, I want to be shot! I hate you all. I despise you! You're like vermin. Long live Russia! Long live the Czar!
- Ainsley J. Fothergill aka Peter Ouronov: When I was having long sleepless nights, I used to try to repeat verses to myself.
- Countess Alexandra Vladinoff: You had sleepless nights?
- Ainsley J. Fothergill aka Peter Ouronov: In Siberia.
- Countess Alexandra Vladinoff: What verses?
- Ainsley J. Fothergill aka Peter Ouronov: Oh, Shakespeare, Browning, Shelley.
- Countess Alexandra Vladinoff: But, they're English poets. Have you been a student in Petrograd?
- Ainsley J. Fothergill aka Peter Ouronov: No, at Oxford.
- Countess Alexandra Vladinoff: But it was very seldom that Russian students went to Oxford.
- Ainsley J. Fothergill aka Peter Ouronov: My father wanted me to go to Oxford.
- Countess Alexandra Vladinoff: I see. Say some of your verses. Browning.
- Ainsley J. Fothergill aka Peter Ouronov: Browning. You must know, "Fear death?" "Fear death?-to feel the fog in my throat, The mist in my face - " Oh, I bet I am boring you.
- Countess Alexandra Vladinoff: Go on.
- Ainsley J. Fothergill aka Peter Ouronov: Well, just the end. I admire it. "For sudden the worst turns the best to the brave, The black minute's at end, And the elements' rage, the fiend-voices that rave, Shall dwindle, shall blend, Shall change, shall become first a peace out of pain, Then a light, then thy breast, O thou soul of my soul! I shall clasp thee again, And with God be the rest!" Do you like it?
- Countess Alexandra Vladinoff: It's optimistic. That's the English. Listen to a Russian poem. It is hopeless and pessimistic, like we Russians. "I have grown weary of my little dreams, I have outlived the hour of my desire, Alone with tortured empty heart, I weep..."
- Ainsley J. Fothergill aka Peter Ouronov: Do you know this forest?
- Countess Alexandra Vladinoff: It belongs to me - belonged to me.
- Countess Alexandra Vladinoff: When did you fall in love with me?
- Ainsley J. Fothergill aka Peter Ouronov: The first time I saw you. Get up, I said. Get up. Return. And I was lost.
- Countess Alexandra Vladinoff: Don't you like my forest?
- Ainsley J. Fothergill aka Peter Ouronov: I adore you.