Lionel Barrymore credited as playing...
Grandpa Clayton
- Jesse Kiffmeyer: Are you the caretaker here?
- Grandpa Clayton: [Taking offense] Caretaker, you infernal jackass! My grandfather built this dump!
- Grandpa Clayton: When I was a young man, Brookvale was the showcase of all Saratoga. When I first brought my bride home from Niagara Falls, it was all I could do to get her into the house, she was so crazy about the champions in the stables.
- Rosetta: Oh, Mr. Clayton! Mr. Clayton, the telephone's calling long distance from London, England. It's Miss Carol.
- Grandpa Clayton: Oh, she don't want me. She wants her Daddy. Tell her he's at the doctor's.
- Rosetta: I - I can't talk so far, Mr. Clayton. I gets too scared.