Sidney Blackmer credited as playing...
Herr Koerger
- Madame Tchernov: You'll never find out that way!
- Schneider: Chinese are stubborn swine. You could kill them before they'll talk.
- Herr Eric Koerger: I'll give you one more chance.
- Prince Chung: No.
- [Koerger got an idea]
- Herr Eric Koerger: Untie his mother. Bring her in. Perhaps you'll change your mind.
- Madame Chung: My son, I am proud of you.
- Herr Eric Koerger: He refuses to tell where your scrolls are.
- Madame Chung: Did you expect him to bring dishonor upon his family?
- Herr Eric Koerger: Well, perhaps he'll talk to protect you.
- Prince Chung: [Begging] No! Stop!
- Madame Chung: You have no fear for me.
- Prince Chung: Please! No!
- [Punched in Madam Chung's face]
- Prince Chung: Stop! Don't, please!
- Madame Chung: He will never tell you.
- [Koerger will hurt Madam Chung again]
- Prince Chung: No! No!
- Herr Eric Koerger: I warned you.
- Prince Chung: [Sobbing] Wait! I'll tell!
- Madame Chung: Do not speak.
- Herr Eric Koerger: Well, where are they?
- Prince Chung: I'll tell!
- Herr Eric Koerger: Well?
- Madame Chung: Do not bring disgrace upon your ancestors.
- Prince Chung: They are in the vault. Behind the shrine.
- Schneider: Are they all there?
- Herr Eric Koerger: We'll see.
- [Looking up scrolls]
- Herr Eric Koerger: How scroll shows us a certain pagoda, it fits in here somewhere. Wait, there's a Marco Polo Bridge. That's the start.
- Schneider: And that must be the second one. The River.
- Herr Eric Koerger: Now, we follow the river, till we come pagoda on our scrolls. Now the inscription on our scroll is a poem describing the view from the top terrace of the pagoda. It must be this mountain pass of that section the Great Wall.
- Schneider: That's Nenko Pass. I can recognize it.
- Herr Eric Koerger: Let me have the scroll you took from Moto's room.
- Schneider: Here it is.
- Herr Eric Koerger: That makes seven. That's the complete set. Let's get started.