Lionel Atwill credited as playing...
Mike Roberts
- Jimmy Caldwell: Put the irons on chief, you're wasting your time.
- Mike Roberts: College kids, aren't you?
- Jimmy Caldwell: What if we are?
- Mike Roberts: Things ran wrong when you went out of school. A lot your swell ideas went up in smoke. Nothing ahead of you but a long, steep road. So you finally decided to take a short cut, grab all the hundred thousand and only do a few years in prison.
- Ruth Holden: Without hurting anyone.
- Mike Roberts: Smoke?
- Jimmy Caldwell: Thanks, I've got my own.
- Mike Roberts: Why not smoke mine?
- Jimmy Caldwell: Why should we be under obligation to you?
- Mike Roberts: Well, you are already to the tune of a hundred thousand - a few cigarettes shouldn't bother your conscience.