restored version.
Nice camerawork.
The main character, Mr. Victor, is played by Raimu...a fine French actor who I've enjoyed in other movies, such as "The Baker's Wife". Here, however, instead of playing a nice or comedic role, he plays a man who is respected by the community yet is scum down deep. It's because the shop owner also is a fence for thieves...as well as a murderer! It seems one of his 'employees' was threatening him, so Victor stabbed him and allowed another man to go to prison for the crime!! However, several years later, the convicted killer escapes and comes to Mr. Victor for help. What's next? All sorts of unexpected things!
The plot here is incredibly original, some nice acting, and I also liked the nice cinematography. As for the story, it's good but nothing spectacular....but overall it's well worth seeing...particularly if you like French cinema.