Edward Everett Horton credited as playing...
The Marquis De Loiselle
- Michael Brandon: The girl who bought those pants is...
- The Marquis De Loiselle: My daughter.
- Michael Brandon: Is she married?
- The Marquis De Loiselle: No.
- Michael Brandon: Engaged?
- The Marquis De Loiselle: No.
- Michael Brandon: In love with any one?
- The Marquis De Loiselle: No, no, no.
- Michael Brandon: I'll buy the bath tub.
- Nicole de Loiselle: Make up your mind, Michael. Think fast! If you wait much longer it'll be a $150,000. My price goes up every minute.
- Michael Brandon: Well, Nicole, you got me on the spot. I'm so crazy about you...
- The Marquis De Loiselle: Don't rush, my boy, take your time.
- Michael Brandon: It's a deal.
- The Marquis De Loiselle: It's a bargain.
- Aunt Hedwige: It's a scandal!
- The Marquis De Loiselle: Mr. Brandon, if you won't finance my business project, would you be interested in buying a bath tub?
- Michael Brandon: A what?
- The Marquis De Loiselle: I have in my possession one of the glories of France: the one and only bath tub of Louis XIV.
- Michael Brandon: Sorry, I use a shower.