Joe E. Brown credited as playing...
Grand Duke Constantine
- Otis Hooper: [to 'Connie', the waiter] I have 10 bucks - and only 10 bucks.
- [opens the menu]
- Otis Hooper: What would you suggest?
- 'Connie': Another restaurant.
- Otis Hooper: [to 'Connie', the waiter] Bring us a dozen clams.
- 'Connie': A dozen clams. Will your lady be sitting with you?
- Otis Hooper: Of course! Why not?
- 'Connie': I hate to see 13 at the same table.
- Mrs. Ten Brock: Your Highness, let me present Mrs. Olivent.
- Grand Duke Connie: Oh, Mrs. Elephant!
- [bows]
- Mrs. Olivent: Olivent!
- Grand Duke Connie: Oh, Olivent! Mrs. Olivent, you look charming.
- Mrs. Olivent: Thank you, Your Highness. You know, I adore Europe.
- Grand Duke Connie: Really?
- Mrs. Olivent: I go there every summer.
- Grand Duke Connie: Every summer?
- Mrs. Olivent: Every summer!
- Grand Duke Connie: Oh, you have traveled extensively. Tell me
- [looks at her plus-size figure]
- Grand Duke Connie: are your stays long?