Lawrence Gray credited as playing...
Jack Vibart
- Jack Vibart: You know, I've known a lot of girls.
- Daisy Dell: So I've heard.
- Jack Vibart: But, I think you're the most charming one I've ever met.
- Daisy Dell: And I think you're all to the mustard too!
- Daisy Dell: You know, all those things they told you about me having every rich man in town wanting to marry me? Well, that's a lot of popcorn! Nobody wants to marry me, except Georgie Smith.
- Jack Vibart: [Sarcastically] The important Mr. Smith.
- Daisy Dell: Yes. He works in a cigar store.
- Daisy Dell: So, you don't hate me for a designing woman?
- Jack Vibart: Quite the reverse. From now on, I'm going to have designs on you!
- Daisy Dell: Well, I don't live in a very swell part of town.
- Jack Vibart: I wouldn't care if you lived on Avenue A.
- Daisy Dell: That's where I live!
- Jack Vibart: Go on, have a sip.
- Daisy Dell: No, thanks. My father does all the drinking for our family.