Slim Whitaker credited as playing...
Rawhide - Henchman
- [Jim plays a rousing version of "Oh Susannah" on his harmonica]
- Henchman Rawhide: Say, you rootin' tootin' windbag from Oklahoma, stop makin' that whinin' noise.
- [Jim continues to play "Oh Susannah"]
- Henchman Rawhide: Did you hear what I said? Stop blowin' that music box, or I'll blow you out from under your hat!
- [Jim continues to play "Oh Susannah"]
- Henchman Rawhide: You know fellas, Smith don't need to fit in any more, since he's Carmelita's special lover... but she ain't so particular.
- [Jim starts to play Chopin's "Funeral March"]