- Kempy: Not since...
- Ruth Bence: Since?
- Kempy: Well, since you polished my wrench and everything.
- Ruth Bence: Oh, Kempy.
- Kate Bence: My, take your hat off. No wonder you're getting bald.
- Dad: If I wasn't bald, I wouldn't need it.
- Kate Bence: My chance is coming. They thought my voice was lovely. And the Director said I had a personality.
- Kate Bence: Those big stores are so obliging when you have a charge account. Father, they just look you up and give me anything I want.
- Kempy: You father didn't want to pay for the time for the plumbing and still he's left me standing here without showing me the work and I have to charge him for my time.
- Ruth Bence: How much?
- Kempy: Four dollars an hour.
- Ruth Bence: Oh! You make a lot, don't you.
- Ben Wade: I suppose I oughten say this, but, Kate's an awful nut!
- Duke Merrill: Oh, I know; but, when you care for anybody, you make allowances for them. And I care for Kate. Of course, I know there's no sense to it, there's no sense to her, much. But, I don't like 'em too sensible.
- Ben Wade: No. Jane's that way. Sensible - something disgusting.
- Duke Merrill: Darling, you've had years to show that you have talent. You haven't any, Kate. You can't paint. You can't sing. You can't dance. In all this time, you haven't produced one finished piece of work.
- Dad: I tell you, Kate has got a lot of sense. I have always said that. Darn, level-headed girl! Of course, you can't - notice it.
- Kate Bence: Think what a little thing we quarreled about. Just because I wanted an artistic career.
- Duke Merrill: Oh, yes. A career.
- Kate Bence: A chance to express myself artistically, in some successful way, before I was switched off to running a house and bringing up children. A chance to do something to be remembered.
- Kempy: I don't like the idea of my wife going on the stage and me doing her escort work.
- Kate Bence: It isn't necessary for you to like it.
- Ruth Bence: Now, I'll leave this door unlatched. And you come in *easy*, won't you?
- Kempy: Sure. Say, you're awfully good to me.
- Ruth Bence: You always get what you want.
- Kempy: Yeah. I'm beginning to wonder if that's a good thing?
- Kempy: If they think that she married the Duke, how will it prevent scandal for me to sleep with the dog?
- Kempy: You keep quiet. Now, I'm gonna take a husband's place here and you got to help me run this house and do a wife's work and get some sense!
- Kempy: I always thought a person would feel different after he was married.
- Ruth Bence: Well, don't you?
- Kempy: No. Only worse.
- Kempy: Ruth, did you...?
- Ruth Bence: You don't mind do you?
- Kempy: Mind? Oh, say, that's wonderful! Nobody ever did anything like that for me before.
- Ruth Bence: Of course, I didn't know at the time that you were getting married to my sister.
- Kempy: Oh, yeah. Well, you see, I didn't know at the time that you felt that toward my wrench.
- Ruth Bence: It is kind of sad. Just think, here we all are suddenly finding ourselves mixed up with life.
- Kempy: Well, I'm mixed up, all right.
- Ruth Bence: Poor boy, you're so unhappy.
- Kempy: Oh, well, you're unhappy too, aren't you?
- Ruth Bence: Yes. Isn't is thrilling?
- Ruth Bence: Did you go to the art gallery?
- Kate Bence: Oh no, you never meet anybody at the art gallery except people from Cleveland.
- Dad: I don't care if it is legal, that doesn't give him any right to throw me out of here before I get a chance to put my pants on!