Legionaire Dick Gilbert crying over a picture of Jeanie Weenie is wearing a shirt in one shot and a vest in the next.
While the boys are in the fort storeroom, an Arab approaches them with his knife drawn. The Arab steps on some tacks and drops the knife, but in the next shot, the knife is back in his hand.
The boys lose their rifles as they tumble down the sand dune, only to still have them in hand as they reach the bottom.
Ollie falls down on a piano, which smashes to bits (and is obviously an empty prop). When the camera cuts in closer, Ollie's stomach is suddenly covered with piano hammers and other bits from the interior of a real piano, none of which were there in the first shot.
The first time in the barracks, as the camera dollies in, the gun rack is noticeably pulled aside.
Ollie immodestly states that the other Legionnaires got lost during the sandstorm in the desert when it is clearly shown that Stan (in failing to notice the sword detaching from the colleague ahead when clutching onto it as a guide) led to the duo becoming lost instead - however Stan and Ollie arrive at the fort first and long before the other Legionnaires do. So the other Legionnaires got lost too and worse than Stan and Ollie.