No, I did not watch the English-language version and acknowledge all the previous reviewers comments. I found the Spanish language version on YouTube where it is titled Charlie Chan Carries On. No dubbed, but totally different actors speaking Spanish. They did use one shot (surfing in Hawaii) I think was in the opening of The Black Camel and a photo of the Chan clan that I am sure I saw in a later film. So, having said all that, is it worth watching. Yes. Not a great movie and I acknowledge all of the foibles mentioned by other reviewers. But if you've watched all the other Chan movies, you will want to watch this as well. The plot is somewhat different and the ending is not the typical "Charlie Chan" ending where the detective reveals only what he knows and the audience does not. The ending is satisfactory in that there was a very plausible motive, and the killer had both the means and opportunity. In fact, we are told the killer's name earlier on along with the likely motive. But the killer is using a different name and everyone who knows what the killer looks like is ..... well, you'll just have to watch it to find out. Don't take it too seriously and you will likely spend an enjoyable hour and some minutes watching how Charlie Chan carries on.