Pierre Fresnay credited as playing...
- César Olivier: I was 32 when my rump felt my father's boot for the last time. We knew what love and respect were in those days.
- Marius: With a boot up your rear.
- César Olivier: And we didn't answer back.
- César Olivier: You don't know your own job. You can't make a vermouth and cassis. Or a mandarine-lemon. And as for a Picon-curaçao, forget about it. Yesterday, old Cougard complained. And yet, it's easy. Look. You put one third curaçao. A very small third, mind you. A third of lemon. See? A good third of Picon. See? And then, a large third of water. There!
- Marius: That's four thirds.
- César Olivier: So what?
- Marius: A glass only hold three thirds.
- César Olivier: Idiot! It all depends on the size of the thirds.
- Honoré Panisse: When one isn't rich, one has to work. One has to work.
- [exits]
- Albert Brun: He looks none to happy.
- Marius: In Marseille, nothing comes harder than work.
- Marius: Every Monday at 12:30 sharp, my father has lunch with his girlfriend.
- Honoré Panisse: A beautiful buxom Italian.
- Marius: No, he's with a Dutch woman now, at least twice the size.
- [gesturing his chest]
- Marius: Don't you understand? When I'm on the dock, looking at the horizon, I'm already on the other side. Every ship on the sea tugs at me. I forget where I am, what I'm doing. I go crazy. Remember when we crossed the harbor bridge? You were dizzy, afraid you'd fall. That's how I feel. When I see a ship leaving - I'm drawn towards it. I can't control myself. So, how could I make you happy? You only live once, you know.