Tôkyô no kôrasu (1931)
Tokihiko Okada: Shinji Okajima
Shinji Okajima : A drowning man will clutch at straws.
Kaisha no Douryou (An Employee) : Of course! We should protest! What are we waiting for? This isn't just about him. It's about us too! It's time to stand up for all of us working stiffs!
Shinji Okajima : You're full of fight. You go tell the boss.
Kaisha no Douryou (An Employee) : Me? - - Then again, he lost the company money. You can't blame the boss.
Shinji Okajima : He was a bad boy, so I spanked him.
Shinji Okajima : You're lucky, you at least have a job. I'm still unemployed. My college degree makes me overqualified.
Shinji Okajima : No waitresses?
Omura Sensei (Teacher) : No waitresses. My wife and I do all the work.
Shinji Okajima : Pretty waitresses can attract customers.
Omura Sensei (Teacher) : Like they attracted you as a student?
Shinji Okajima : Business is slow. We'll be lucky to get a month's pay.
Tsuma Sugako (His wife) : Even a month's pay would be 120 yen.
Shinji Okajima : Go call a rickshaw. Get ready to take her to the hospital.
Shinji Okajima : I feel like I'm getting old. I've lost my spirit.
Rou-Shain Yamada (Old employee) : This is goodbye. This is my last day here.
Shinji Okajima : Why? You're a senior employee with a pension starting next year.
Rou-Shain Yamada (Old employee) : I moonlighted as an agent and sold policies to a few customers who met unfortunate fates. One died the day after buying a 20,000 yen policy. He was hit by a car.
Shinji Okajima : You didn't run him over. It wasn't your fault.
Shinji Okajima : Poor kid. Let's buy him a bicycle.