Robert Warwick credited as playing...
Police Commissioner Stevens
- Police Commissioner Stevens: I hope we're not disturbing you, Professor.
- Dr. Haines, Academy of Surgical Research: Not at all, I was just relaxing.
- Dr. Jerry Xavier: Professor Haines is a most intensive worker. I've just been telling Mr. Stevens of your phenomenal experiments in brain grafting.
- Dr. Haines, Academy of Surgical Research: Oh, Doctor, Doctor, come! Come, I want to show you! I want to show you a new type of brain cell.
- Dr. Jerry Xavier: That should be interesting, Professor.
- Dr. Haines, Academy of Surgical Research: I'm sure you'll find it so.
- Dr. Jerry Xavier: On the slide?
- Dr. Haines, Academy of Surgical Research: Yes.
- Detective O'Halloran: [O'Halloran opens a ledger] Look!
- [He shows Stevens a stack of girlie magazines]
- Detective O'Halloran: Relaxing.
- Police Commissioner Stevens: What's your theory of the killer?
- Dr. Jerry Xavier: A neurotic, of course. Some poor devil suffering from a fixation.
- Police Commissioner Stevens: A fixation? What do you mean?
- Dr. Jerry Xavier: A knot or kink tied in the brain by some past experience. A madness that comes only at certain times when the killer is brought in direct contact with some vivid reminder of the past.
- Police Commissioner Stevens: [chuckling] It's hard to believe that.
- Dr. Jerry Xavier: Yes, for a policeman I suppose it is. But I tell you that locked in each human skull is a little world all its own.
- Police Commissioner Stevens: [Stevens has noticed a pair of shoes drying on a radiator] I understand, Professor, that you live just where you work. That you seldom leave the Institute.
- Dr. Wells: Not necessarily. I played truant a short while ago. I was down by the waterfront, for a breath of air.
- Police Commissioner Stevens: What time was that?
- Dr. Jerry Xavier: [Interrupting Stevens] You're not feeling well? Your arm is troubling you?
- Dr. Wells: Yes it's, it's very annoying.
- Dr. Jerry Xavier: Well, you're foolish to sit there in discomfort.
- Dr. Wells: If you gentlemen don't mind, I...
- Dr. Jerry Xavier: Why, of course not, of course not.
- Dr. Wells: [Wells removes his prosthetic left hand] I put it on just as I heard you coming. An empty sleeve is revolting to most people.
- Police Commissioner Stevens: [chuckling] Well I, I think we've taken up enough of Professor Wells' time.
- Police Commissioner Stevens: You're an astronomer, Doctor?
- Dr. Rowitz: Not that, sir. I have an interest in the light qualities of the moon. If you might suffer sunstroke, might you not suffer some similar evil - from the rays of the moon?
- Police Commissioner Stevens: Moonstruck, you mean?
- Dr. Rowitz: Exactly, what we call lunacy, from the word luna, meaning the moon. Latin, you know. However, the luna rays will never affect you or me, sir; because, we are normal people.