David Manners credited as playing...
Donnie Wainwright
- Ann Duryea: I'm glad you're here, Donnie. I have a bone to pick with you.
- Donnie Wainwright: Oh, well, let's pick it over there under the piano.
- Ann Duryea: Very well.
- Party Guest: Who's that girl?
- Donnie Wainwright: Which one?
- Party Guest: The one in white over there, wasting that gorgeous smile on old man Patridge.
- Donnie Wainwright: Oh, that's Venice Muir.
- Party Guest: Well, I'm cutting in.
- Donnie Wainwright: Go ahead. She's a nice girl. Nicest girl I know. Old Patridge is her lawyer. You know, custody of her estate. He said he used to take her over his knee and spank her, et cetera.
- Party Guest: Well, he can be her lawyer or trustee, I'll, eh, take the et cetera.
- Lola: You know, you're a fool.
- Donnie Wainwright: Yes, I'm a fool.
- Lola: Are you leaving with Ann Duryea?
- Donnie Wainwright: No.
- Lola: Good! Not a complete fool then.
- Donnie Wainwright: No. Yes.
- Lola: Why don't you take Venice home?
- Donnie Wainwright: Oh, she's too gloomy.
- Lola: Oh, she is not; you make me ill. Why, Venice is the sweetest girl here.
- Donnie Wainwright: Yeah.
- Lola: She has a positively beautiful sense of humor. And, underneath, why, she's really warm ... and vibrant ... and mysterious.
- Donnie Wainwright: [chuckling] Venice?
- Lola: Yes, Venice, and she isn't shopworn. Of course, with your blended sense of values, that wouldn't make any difference.
- Donnie Wainwright: Hey!
- Lola: Someday, a man with a nose for adventure is going to come along and... and discover Venice. And you can just bet that he'll have the most exciting time of any man in New York. Then I suppose you'll come and cry on my shoulder. Well, my shoulder will be padded with pins.
- Donnie Wainwright: Say, does Venice like me?
- Lola: She doesn't *dislike* you. And that's a great deal for Venice.
- Donnie Wainwright: Well, no one can I haven't got a nose for adventure. Where is she?
- Donnie Wainwright: Well, I guess the only place I could talk to you would be while you're taking a bath.
- Donnie Wainwright: Say you've got lovely hair. Where did you get it?
- Venice Muir: I've had it for years.
- Donnie Wainwright: Oh, why not lay off me till I get my perspective back. And, if you're still interested, we might be ... playmates. Well, you won't be lonesome in the meantime.
- Venice Muir: What are you saying?
- Donnie Wainwright: Oh, don't suddenly go innocent on me!