Leslie Banks credited as playing...
- Eve: Oh Martin, turn in early, please.
- Martin: Don't worry. The Count will take care of me.
- Zaroff: Indeed I shall.
- Zaroff: God made some men kings, some beggars. Me, he made a hunter. My hand was made for the trigger.
- Zaroff: Here on my island, I hunt the most dangerous game.
- Zaroff: Kill! Then love. When you have known that, you will have known ecstasy!
- Zaroff: We'll have capital sport together, I hope.
- Zaroff: [Bob Rainsford enters, unseen by Zaroff at the piano who stops playing at the sound of Bob bolting the door] My dear Rainsford, I congratulate you. You have beaten me!
- Bob: Not yet.
- Zaroff: His brain against mine, his woodcraft against mine. And the prize.
- Bob: The prize?
- Zaroff: You may recall what I said last evening. Only after the kill does man know the true ecstasy of love.
- Zaroff: Hunt first the enemy, then the woman.