Eva Moore credited as playing...
Rebecca Femm
- Rebecca Femm: [feels the fabric of Margaret Waverton's low-cut gown] Fine stuff, but it'll rot.
- Rebecca Femm: [touches Margaret's skin above the neckline] Finer stuff still, but it'll rot too!
- Rebecca Femm: They were all godless here. They used to bring their women here - brazen, lolling creatures in silks and satins. They filled the house with laughter and sin, laughter and sin. And if I ever went down among them, my own father and brothers - they would tell me to go away and pray, and I prayed - and left them with their lustful red and white women.
- Margaret Waverton: It's a dreadful night.
- Rebecca Femm: What?
- Margaret Waverton: I said it's a dreadful night.
- Rebecca Femm: Yes, it's a very old house. Very old.
- Margaret Waverton: It's very kind of you to let us stay.
- Rebecca Femm: What?
- Margaret Waverton: I say you're very kind.
- Rebecca Femm: Yes it is a dreadful night. I'm a little deaf.
- Margaret Waverton: I understand.
- Rebecca Femm: Yes. No beds!
- Rebecca Femm: Horace what are you doing? We aren't all heathens!
- Horace Femm: [mockingly] Oh I had forgotten my sister's strange tribal habits. The beef will seem less tough when she has invoked a blessing upon it.
- Rebecca Femm: Horace Femm, if I can't hear, I can see. You're blaspheming.
- Horace Femm: On the contrary, my dear Rebecca, I was merely telling your wondering guests that you were about to thank your Gods for their bounty.
- Rebecca Femm: That'll do... I know your mocking, lying tongue.
- Horace Femm: ...to thank them for the health and prosperity and happiness granted to this family, for its years of peace and plenty, to thank them for having created Rebecca Femm, and Roderick Femm, and Saul...
- Rebecca Femm: Stop!
- Rebecca Femm: What is it? What do they want?
- Horace Femm: Allow me to introduce my sister, Miss Rebecca Femm.
- Penderel, Philip Waverton, Margaret Waverton: How do you do?
- Rebecca Femm: What are they doing here? What do they want?
- Penderel, Philip Waverton, Margaret Waverton: How do you do?
- Rebecca Femm: What did they say? What do they want? What are they doing here? What's all the fuss about? What?
- Horace Femm: You must excuse my sister, she's a little deaf. In fact sometimes quite deaf.
- Margaret Waverton: Well, I know what I'm going to do. That is if Miss Femm will let me.
- Rebecca Femm: What?
- Margaret Waverton: I'm dreadfully wet and I'd be so glad if I could go and change my clothes.
- Rebecca Femm: What?
- Margaret Waverton: I wondered if I might go and change my things.
- Rebecca Femm: You look wet. You'd better go and change your things.
- Rebecca Femm: No beds! They can't have beds!
- Horace Femm: As my sister hints, there are, I'm afraid, no beds.