Regis Toomey credited as playing...
David Livingston
- Kitty Lane: [waiting on David at the diner] ... How come *you* never annoyed me?
- David Livingston: Well, I don't like to compete with the whole college.
- Kitty Lane: If I owned this joint I'd bust ya in the nose for that.
- David Livingston: [looking up from the book he has been studying] Yes, and if I were your brother instead of a customer here, I'd spank you. I'd like to finish this chapter.
- Kitty Lane: Well, go ahead, finish it someplace else where they burn incense or something.
- David Livingston: Alright, I will. I don't like this place anyhow. You may be hot, but the coffee's cold.
- [gets up to leave]
- David Livingston: Keep the change.
- Kitty Lane: [throws David's coin on the floor; then, under her breath:] Pinhead .... Nitwit ....
- Kitty Lane: [finds his hat on the chair] Hey, you forgot your hat.
- [runs after him]
- Kitty Lane: Hey stupid, you forgot your hat!
- David Livingston: I imagine you're lonesome yourself sometimes.
- Kitty Lane: Oh, no, I have plenty of company. Men flock around here quite a bit.
- David Livingston: Oh, I can't blame them for that.
- Kitty Lane: Although not as much as they might. Wives are so apt to be narrow-minded.
- Kitty Lane: [Reading the title of David's textbook] What's anatomy?
- David Livingston: The study of the human body.
- Kitty Lane: Mmm. All in one volume? Your boyfriends are not satisfied just to read about it.
- David Livingston: So I noticed. I can't blame them.
- Kitty Lane: Why not?
- David Livingston: Well, what you don't ask for, you don't get.
- Kitty Lane: That shapes up like a dig. A nasty, filthy, dig.
- David Livingston: You asked for it.
- David Livingston: Well, what have you been doin'?
- Kitty Lane: Oh, nothin' much.
- David Livingston: Seems you've been holding out on me, what's this?
- [Picks up a notepad from Kitty's desk]
- Kitty Lane: Now, you keep away from there.
- David Livingston: A love letter.
- [Reading words on the notepad]
- David Livingston: Eleemosynary. Elective. Ejaculate. Taking your "e"'s I see.
- Kitty Lane: You're not the only one who has a right to an education. If there's anything that makes me mad, it has someone using a word that I don't understand.