Thelma Todd credited as playing...
Claire Mathewson
- Claire Mathewson: [they are seated in the back of their car; Claire has had her dress torn by the car door] Gerald, aren't you going to do anything?
- Gerald Gray: Here?
- Claire Mathewson: No, no. I mean about discharging your chauffeur
- Gerald Gray: Oh, oh let me keep him. I've let you keep your husband
- Claire Mathewson: I haven't kept him
- Gerald Gray: What?
- Claire Mathewson: He left this morning
- Gerald Gray: For good?
- Claire Mathewson: No, no, for the Olympic Games at Los Angeles. He's in them, you know. Haven't you ever heard of Steve Mathewson, the javelin thrower?
- Gerald Gray: Javelin thrower?
- Claire Mathewson: ah ha
- Gerald Gray: Do you mean those long, murderous harpoon things?
- [she nods]
- Gerald Gray: Claire, the moment you meet a man, right after you've said 'how do you do?' you should add 'my husband throws javelins'.
- Claire Mathewson: Tomorrow, you're taking me away!
- Gerald Gray: Oh, am I? Where?
- Claire Mathewson: Venice!
- Gerald Gray: Venice? Do you think that will be safe?
- Claire Mathewson: I hope not!
- Gerald Gray: Hmmm.
- Claire Mathewson: I don't believe you want to go! And, only this evening, you were complaining that you've known me this long, and nothing had happened!
- Gerald Gray: That was BJ.
- Claire Mathewson: BJ?
- Gerald Gray: Before javelin.