Week-End Marriage (1932)
Norman Foster: Ken Hayes
Ken Hayes : A man doesn't like his wife working in an office. He wants to work for her. He wants her waiting for him when he gets home .
Ken Hayes : [phone rings] Say, if that's your boyfriend, tell him that you slipped on a cake of soap, will you?
Lola Davis : No, that'd never do. He might want to pick me up.
Lola Davis Hayes : I got a raise today.
Ken Hayes : Well, so you got a raise.
Lola Davis Hayes : Isn't that swell?
Ken Hayes : Yeah. You'll be wearing the pants from now on, I suppose.
Lola Davis Hayes : Ken, do you think that's nice?
Ken Hayes : Well, it's the truth, isn't it? You'll be earning more than I will.
Lola Davis Hayes : Well, what of it?
Ken Hayes : Oh, nothing, I guess. Anything goes these days.
Lola Davis Hayes : [in bed, kiss] Morning. Morning, precious.
Ken Hayes : Mmm. Morning.
[kiss, kiss-kiss-kiss]
Lola Davis Hayes : Ah. Ah-ah-ah. You better get up, honey. You were late for work yesterday morning.
Ken Hayes : Remember this, I had a break once too. A big break with a big future. But, I didn't take it, did I? Well, I gave it up like a fool because I thought you wanted to get married and be a real wife and stick with me. Well, it's clear now. You care more for your rotten job than you do for me. Go to it, kid! Have a swell time! I'm through!
Ken Hayes : Who wants to go to St. Louis?
Ken Hayes : A fellow can't even have a good time anymore without getting into trouble.
Lola Davis Hayes : Well, you didn't have to get drunk.
Ken Hayes : Why shouldn't I? I give up everything for a wife and a home and what do I get? A woman to live with and a lot of dirty dishes.