John Halliday credited as playing...
Stephen Paige
- Stephen Paige: You say you're with...
- Lorry Evans: The American Newspaper Syndicate. We're running a series of articles on successful businessmen, you know, captains of industry, lawyers, bankers...
- Stephen Paige: Aren't you rather young for this sort of thing?
- Lorry Evans: Well, I'm not very long out of - convent.
- Stephen Paige: I rather expected a fat, frumpy sort of woman. They usually are.
- Stephen Paige: What time did I get home last night?
- Butler: I don't know, suh. I was asleep.
- Stephen Paige: Did I - did I bring anyone with me?
- Butler: No one that I saw, suh.
- Stephen Paige: Well, get me a bromo-seltzer. A big one.
- Stephen Paige: A man imagines the woman he marries is something set apart, something clean. That's why young love is different to anything else in the world.
- Lorry Evans: You're just bein' old fashioned.
- Stephen Paige: Maybe. But, so is every man.
- Stephen Paige: Now, you're a practical woman and I think you could help.
- Minnie: Just a minute, I ain't as practical as I used to be.
- Minnie: They'll be a few little expenses.
- Stephen Paige: Expenses don't matter.
- Minnie: You know, little odds and ends.
- Stephen Paige: Is that enough?
- Minnie: That ought to hold out for a little while.
- Stephen Paige: If it doesn't hold out, you come back.
- Minnie: Mmm. You know, Mr. Paige, it's too bad you wasn't born twins.
- Lorry Evans: You're a woman-hater.
- Stephen Paige: Wait! Wait a minute. I didn't say anything of the kind.
- Lorry Evans: Oh, that's all right. I'm a man-hater. That is, in a way I am, you know, my career comes first.
- Lorry Evans: Mr. Paige, tell me, are you annoyed with women? That is, the fortune hunter kind? I mean, you know.
- Stephen Paige: No, not exactly. Say, what sort of an interview is this? Are you interviewing me about my private life or my business?
- Lorry Evans: Well, we like to know as much as we can.
- Lorry Evans: What are your views on drinking?
- Stephen Paige: You mean prohibition?
- Lorry Evans: Yeah. Yeah.
- Stephen Paige: Oh, well, the 18th Amendment is a law. And as a law, should be respected until its rescinded by the voice of the people.
- Lorry Evans: I see. And you mean you ain't in favor to it?
- Stephen Paige: I beg your pardon?
- Lorry Evans: You mean you are not in favor of drinking.
- Stephen Paige: Well, I just said I wasn't.
- Lorry Evans: That's very interesting.
- Stephen Paige: Why?
- Lorry Evans: Well, I've interviewed several other important men and you're the first one to believe in prohibition.
- Stephen Paige: Well, now, just a moment. Before you write anything down. That isn't my personal opinion.
- Lorry Evans: Oh, then you do approve of drinking?
- Stephen Paige: Well, under certain circumstances I think spirits may be good if taken medicinally.
- Stephen Paige: You don't want to buck the world all over again.
- Lorry Evans: Thanks, Stevie. But maybe that's just what I do want to do. Buck the world again.
- Minnie: I can't help it if my girlfriend's cracked.
- Stephen Paige: With probably pride.
- Minnie: I'll take vanilla.
- Stephen Paige: The lamp's still burning in the window.
- Lorry Evans: Well, you better save the oil, Stevie. The wandering girl won't be back.