Lucien Littlefield credited as playing...
Prof. Noodle
- Professor Noodle: [unaware that Jessup is in another part of the house, taking a huge soapy bath to wash off the ashes] Jessup! Jessup!
- [coming across Stan and Ollie who are busy sweeping up after cleaning the chimney]
- Professor Noodle: Where is Jessup?
- Oliver: Jessup? Oh, about 35 miles southwest of Augusta, Georgia.
- Professor Noodle: No, no, no - - I mean my butler!
- Stan: [innocently] Oh, he went somewhere to look for an electric chair.
- Oliver: Is there something we could help you with?
- Professor Noodle: Yes! A capital idea! You shall be the first to witness a successful rejuvenation experiment in the entire history of science! And it's mine - - ALL MINE!
- [laughs hysterically in a paroxysm of delight]
- Professor Noodle: Come here! Come here!
- [leads the way to his lab, where the duckling is floating in the rejuvenation tank]
- Professor Noodle: Watch! I'm going to rejuvenate this duckling!
- [uses the eyedropper to add a couple drops of the dark liquid from the large glass beaker to the water in the tank, causing the water to bubble and churn vigorously. A few seconds later the water quiets down again, and an egg is left floating on the water where the duckling had been]
- Professor Noodle: Ha-haaaaaaaahhhhhhhh! SUCCESS! I did it! I did it! And now - - for a HUMAN demonstration!
- Oliver: [fearing that the professor means that he wants to use him or Stan for his demonstration] Well - - we'll be seeing you!
- Professor Noodle: Don't go - - wait here while I find my butler - - and use HIM for my experiment.
- [shouting out the door]
- Professor Noodle: Jessup!
- [proceeding down the hall]
- Professor Noodle: Jessup! Jessup! Jessup? Where are you, Jessup? Jessup!
- Stan: What do you think about it?
- Oliver: The whole thing looks screwy to me!
- Stan: Me, too.
- [looks around the lab, and spies a small aquarium with a large goldfish swimming around in it]
- Stan: How about us trying it on that fish?
- Oliver: That's a good idea! We'll find out for ourselves!
- [catches the fish in his hands, then tips it into the rejuvenation tank. Next he picks up the huge glass beaker of dark liquid, and leans the side of the tank to pour some in]
- Stan: Be careful how much you put in - - you might make it TOO young!
- Oliver: Get me the eyedropper.
- [takes the eyedropper from Stan, then leans over the side of the tank again. But - - naturally! - - he loses his balance and tumbles head-first with a loud yelp into the tank, still clutching the huge beaker of dark liquid. So of course, the WHOLE BEAKERFULL of rejuvenation liquid - - over two quarts, by the look of it - - gets added to the tank, instead of just a few drops. The water inside the tank froths and boils and churns furiously, and Ollie thrashes about wildly inside, giving his famous cries and exclamations of horrified distress]
- Oliver: Hooooooooooooh- hoh- hoh- hoh- hoh- hoh! Aaaaaaaaaaaa-hah-hah-hah-hah-hah-hah-hah! Ohhhhhhhhhh-oh-oh-oh-oh-aaaaaAAAAAHHCKK!
- Stan: [staring at the chimpanzee that has appeared over the edge of the tank and is gazing silently back at him] Ollie - don't you know me? Won't you speak to me?
- Oliver: [in a voice-over, as if the chimpanzee is speaking] I have nothing to say.
- Stan: [in his typical helpless panicked wail] Oh-ohhh!
- Professor Noodle: Three drops of frinacka...
- Jessup: Fahlootuhhh!
- Professor Noodle: [pouring in a good measure each time instead of just a "drop"] One... two... three!
- [first lines]
- Professor Noodle: [while pouring a beaker full of special liquid into another beaker and experimenting at his laboratory table] Ahhhhh, at last! Haha! Well, it won't be long now.
- Jessup: Shouldn't be, you've been at it twenty years.
- Professor Noodle: True my boy, but remember, Rome wasn't built in a day. And if this test of mine proves successful, it'll be the greatest scientific discovery of the age - something the world's been waiting for: rejuvenation! Just think, with a few drops of this solution, I could make you thirty years younger! Hahahaha!
- [as if on cue, the cuckoo clock chimes, alluding to the fact that the professor is perhaps 'cuckoo' himself - and Jessup nods in agreement with it]