Groucho Marx credited as playing...
Rufus T. Firefly
- Rufus T. Firefly: Not that I care, but where is your husband?
- Mrs. Teasdale: Why, he's dead.
- Rufus T. Firefly: I bet he's just using that as an excuse.
- Mrs. Teasdale: I was with him to the very end.
- Rufus T. Firefly: No wonder he passed away.
- Mrs. Teasdale: I held him in my arms and kissed him.
- Rufus T. Firefly: Oh, I see, then it was murder. Will you marry me? Did he leave you any money? Answer the second question first.
- Mrs. Teasdale: He left me his entire fortune.
- Rufus T. Firefly: Is that so? Can't you see what I'm trying to tell you? I love you.
- Rufus T. Firefly: Married. I can see you right now in the kitchen, bending over a hot stove. But I can't see the stove.
- Rufus T. Firefly: Gentlemen, Chicolini here may talk like an idiot, and look like an idiot, but don't let that fool you: he really is an idiot. I implore you, send him back to his father and brothers, who are waiting for him with open arms in the penitentiary. I suggest that we give him ten years in Leavenworth, or eleven years in Twelveworth.
- Chicolini: I'll tell you what I'll do: I'll take five and ten in Woolworth.
- Minister of Finance: Your Excellency, here's the Treasury Department's report, sir. I hope you'll find it clear.
- Rufus T. Firefly: Clear? Huh! Why a four-year-old child could understand this report.
- [to Bob Roland]
- Rufus T. Firefly: Run out and find me a four-year-old child. I can't make head or tail out of it.
- Mrs. Teasdale: I've sponsored your appointment because I feel you are the most able statesman in all Freedonia.
- Rufus T. Firefly: Well, that covers a lot of ground. Say, you cover a lot of ground yourself. You better beat it - I hear they're going to tear you down and put up an office building where you're standing. You can leave in a taxi. If you can't get a taxi, you can leave in a huff. If that's too soon, you can leave in a minute and a huff. You know, you haven't stopped talking since I came here? You must have been vaccinated with a phonograph needle.
- Secretary of Labor: The Department of Labor wishes to report that the workers of Freedonia are demanding shorter hours.
- Rufus T. Firefly: Very well, we'll give them shorter hours. We'll start by cutting their lunch hour to 20 minutes.
- Mrs. Teasdale: We've been expecting you. As chairwoman of the reception committee, I extend the good wishes of every man, woman, and child of Freedonia.
- Rufus T. Firefly: Never mind that stuff.
- [He takes out a deck of cards]
- Rufus T. Firefly: Take a card.
- Mrs. Teasdale: [as she takes one] Card? What will I do with the card?
- Rufus T. Firefly: You can keep it. I've got fifty-one left. Now what were you saying?
- Rufus T. Firefly: You're a brave man. Go and break through the lines. And remember, while you're out there risking your life and limb through shot and shell, we'll be in be in here thinking what a sucker you are.
- Rufus T. Firefly: Take a letter.
- Bob Roland: Who to?
- Rufus T. Firefly: To my dentist.
- [Roland writes out the following]
- Rufus T. Firefly: Uh... Dear dentist, enclosed find check for $500, yours very truly. Send that off immediately.
- Bob Roland: I'll, um, I'll have to enclose a check first.
- Rufus T. Firefly: You do and I'll fire you.
- Rufus T. Firefly: [into radio] Calling all nations. Calling all nations. This is Rufus T. This is Rufus T. Firefly coming to you through the courtesy of the enemy. We're in a mess folks, we're in a mess. Rush to Freedonia! Three men and one woman are trapped in a building! Send help at once! If you can't send help, send two more women!
- [Pinky enters and raises three fingers]
- Rufus T. Firefly: Make it three more women!
- Rufus T. Firefly: Remember, you're fighting for this woman's honor, which is probably more than she ever did.
- Ambassador Trentino: I am willing to do anything to prevent this war.
- Rufus T. Firefly: It's too late. I've already paid a month's rent on the battlefield.
- Rufus T. Firefly: Where's my Stradivarius?
- Officer: Here, sir.
- Rufus T. Firefly: I'll show 'em they can't fiddle around with old Firefly!
- [he pulls a tommygun out of his violin case and opens fire]
- Rufus T. Firefly: Look at 'em run! Now they know they've been in a war!
- Bob Roland: Your Excellency!
- Rufus T. Firefly: Hahahahahaha, they're fleeing like rats!
- Bob Roland: But sir, I've got to tell you...
- Rufus T. Firefly: Remind me to give myself the Firefly Medal for this!
- [he fires again]
- Bob Roland: Your Excellency, you're shooting your own men!
- [Firefly fires again]
- Rufus T. Firefly: What?
- Bob Roland: You're shooting your own men!
- Rufus T. Firefly: Here's $5, keep it under your hat.
- [holds out his hat to take the $5 back]
- Rufus T. Firefly: Never mind, I'll keep it under my hat.
- Rufus T. Firefly: I could dance with you until the cows come home. On second thought, I'd rather dance with the cows till you come home.
- Rufus T. Firefly: I'm in a hurry! To the House of Representatives! Ride like fury! If you run out of gas, get ethyl. If Ethel runs out, get Mabel! Now step on it!
- Rufus T. Firefly: And now, members of the cabinet...
- [pounds gavel]
- Rufus T. Firefly: we'll take up old business.
- Cabinet Member: I wish to discuss the tariff.
- Rufus T. Firefly: Sit down, that's new business. No old business? Very well...
- [pounds gavel]
- Rufus T. Firefly: we'll take up new business.
- Cabinet Member: Now, about that tariff...
- Rufus T. Firefly: Too late, that's old business already. Sit down.
- Rufus T. Firefly: [singing] If any form of pleasure is exhibited, report to me and it will be prohibited! I'll put my foot down, so shall it be... this is the land of the free! The last man nearly ruined this place he didn't know what to do with it. If you think this country's bad off now, just wait till I get through with it! The country's taxes must be fixed, and I know what to do with it. If you think you're paying too much now, just wait till I get through with it!
- Bob Roland: Message from the front, sir.
- Rufus T. Firefly: Oh, I'm sick of messages from the front. Don't we ever get a message from the side? - What is it?
- Bob Roland: General Smith reports a gas attack. He wants to know what to do.
- Rufus T. Firefly: Tell him to take a teaspoonful of bicarbonate baking soda and a half a glass of water.