Henry Fonda credited as playing...
Little Pinks
- [about Gloria]
- Agustus 'Little Pinks' Pinkerton, II: She's in bad shape, Doc. Can you do something?
- Florida Doctor: I wish I could.
- Agustus 'Little Pinks' Pinkerton, II: Why can't you?
- Florida Doctor: Did you ever hear of a thing called paranoia? No, I guess you didn't. Well, it's what happens to people when they get to believe they're something they're not.
- Nicely Nicely Johnson: Now you're cooking with gas.
- Violette Shumberg: Shut up, Nicely.
- Nicely Nicely Johnson: Don't tell me to shut up.
- Violette Shumberg: I'll tell you to shut up anytime I feel like it, and I feel like it now.
- Agustus 'Little Pinks' Pinkerton, II: Please go on, Doc.
- Florida Doctor: They can go on for a long time and be okay, except when the illusion is shattered. Then they kind of wither up and... phht. Unless it's restored.
- Agustus 'Little Pinks' Pinkerton, II: But if it is...
- Florida Doctor: I'm afraid what that young lady wants, she'll never get.
- Agustus 'Little Pinks' Pinkerton, II: But we can't just stand around and let her die!
- [the doctor walks away sadly]
- Violette Shumberg: He ain't a very good doctor, Pinks. Why, last months he treated Nicely for a cold, and it turned out to be chicken pox.
- Nicely Nicely Johnson: You don't have to be telling everybody I had chicken pox at my age.
- Violette Shumberg: If you had chicken pox, you had them. And you had them.
- Gloria Lyons: You know something, Pinks?
- Agustus 'Little Pinks' Pinkerton, II: What?
- Gloria Lyons: A lot of people can't walk... they knit something. I'd be a lousy knitter, but I could sure try.
- Louie - Headwaiter: [Little Pinks, busboy, is busily scavenging leftover champagne and caviar from a restaurant table to take to Gloria] It's none of my business, Pinks, but can't that dame of yours eat nothin' but champagne and caviar?
- Agustus 'Little Pinks' Pinkerton, II: She's on a diet.