Following the formula of Three Smart Girls, the creators have made a sure bet at success and, inevitably, a success it was. Miss Gelli, here probably no more than 17 years old, is a fine singer and a credible actress, even though she is directed (and made to look) to resemble Deanna Durbin: the energetic little naughty miss fixit, a free spirit who just wants to sing and not confirm to the life at the girl's school.
Sometimes Miss Gelly is much too vivacious, running around like a dervish, but that's all part of the formula. And yet, when Miss Durbin's energy always quells from within and makes her radiant, Miss Gelli does all the movements, but seems to lack the infectious charm of her American counterpart.
However, it's exceedingly difficult to understand why everyone (her teachers etc) are always so very upset and angry, when she bursts into song; even locking her up for the big school show. I just don't buy that.
It seems Miss Gelli only made some five movies, and then disappeared from the screen at barely 22 years of age. This is a shame, because she was quite good, even in the rather different role in Albergo Luna camera 34. There seems to be no information why her career ended.