Moe's hair pattern changes various times when the Stooges are digging for gold in the mine shaft.
Somehow Curly puts the gold in the safe without disturbing the cob webs that are in the building.
When the Stooges attempt to go in the safe then they disturb the cob webs.
At the beginning, when the boys run into the street you can see the bottom of the screen the traffic is being projected on. The chicken even walks in front of it in the lower right hand corner.
When Curly says the line, "What's all this fuss about?", Larry Fine is seen laughing in the background.
When the truck nearly hits the Stooges after they say good-bye to their mother, it is obvious it is just a rear projection screen they are standing in front of.
When Curly is flying through the air you can see the wires holding him up.
When Moe and Larry are trying to pry Curly's head out of the mine shaft, it is obvious the crowbar is a prop as it bends when it is on Curly's face.
The note underneath Curly's shirt reveals that the key to open the lock of his coin purse "is in his left pocket" but it's in Curly's RIGHT pocket - it's to OUR left as we face him.
Moe ended up breaking the ladder when he fell down into the mine shaft, but there is no explanation as to how they got out after they obtain the gold.
When Red and Stumpy chase after the Stooges, Ernie Adams trips over and falls off-screen.