- Narrator: Deep in the heart of the African jungle, we come upon a treaturous flower that devours all insect life in its reach: The eatimus abuccus.
- [buzzing bee appears]
- Narrator: Here comes another victim. An unsuspecting little bumble bee. Oh, poor little bee.
- Eatimus Abuccus: [eats bee and spits it out]
- [shouts in pain]
- Eatimus Abuccus: OUCH!
- Narrator: Ah, here are some cute little baby rabbits who have wandered away from their mother. But wait. WHAT'S THIS? A VULTURE ABOUT TO POUNCE!
- [a stereotypical Japanese vulture appears in the sky]
- Narrator: ...on these poor defenseless little rabbits.
- [the rabbits hop into a patch of grass and set up an anti-aircraft gun; one of them morphs into a certain better-known rabbit]
- Bugs Bunny: Eh, thumbs up, doc! Thumbs up!