Marlene Dietrich credited as playing...
Fay Duval
- Hank 'Gimpy' McHenry: I ain't used to havin' women servin' me breakfast. I guess there is somethin' to this marriage business after all. How long has this been going on?
- Fay Duval: Since Adam and Eve.
- Fay Duval: Have you got a cigarette? I bet I look like something that came in with the tide. I sure could use some powder and lipstick.
- Johnny Marshall: Sorry, I left mine at home.
- Johnny Marshall: It's a good thing that stuff ain't fattening.
- Fay Duval: I could use a couple of pounds. The rest cure didn't do my figure any good.
- Drug Store Clerk: It didn't do it any harm.
- Johnny Marshall: Go on, jerk yourself a soda.
- Fay Duval: [props her leg up] Say, doc, you got something to take out a spot?
- Drug Store Clerk: Oh, yes, ma'am. We always keep it handy.
- [walks over with the spot remover and rubs an area of Fay's dress above her propped up knee]
- Fay Duval: How's the view from your angle?
- Johnny Marshall: I've seen as good.
- Drug Store Clerk: There! Any other spots?
- Fay Duval: No, what do you think I am? A leopard?
- Drug Store Clerk: Oh there's one.
- [touches Fay's bottom and Fay slaps away his hand]
- Fay Duval: I'll handle that one.
- Johnny Marshall: What are you gonna do in LA?
- Fay Duval: Oh, I'll get by, one way or the other.
- Johnny Marshall: Why don't you try the other way for a change.
- Fay Duval: Because there's too many guys like you - crawling around.
- Smiley Quinn: Now, go on, be like me, just lose yourself in your work.
- Fay Duval: It doesn't help. I always find myself again.
- Hank 'Gimpy' McHenry: I bet you ain't gettin' rich in this flea bag.
- Fay Duval: You're right. I don't get anything out of this joint, but tired.
- Fay Duval: What's going on? What is on your mind?
- Hank 'Gimpy' McHenry: Nothing. Say, does a guy have to have somthin' on his mind when he gives a dame a present?
- Fay Duval: The tinhorns that talk biggest, scream the loudest when they get the check. You're so cheap, you're wholesale.
- Fay Duval: What makes you think I couldn't level with the guy?
- Johnny Marshall: You couldn't even level with yourself. You got that clip joint in your blood and you'll never lose it.
- Fay Duval: All right, go on. Hit me again if that makes you feel any better. I've been hit before and harder.
- Johnny Marshall: That wasn't anything the way you're gonna be smacked if I ever catch you out of line again.
- Fay Duval: For a change, I'm going to do what I want to.
- Johnny Marshall: I'm not asking what you're going to do, sister. I'm telling you!
- Fay Duval: I was running away from you. Because you're always around. And I couldn't stand to look at you any more without touching you. I was going crazy every time I thought of you.