- Myrtle: Well, if anything sensational should happen, send up a flare. I'll be right over. But don't brood on it. Things like this can create the most ghastly inhibitions.
- Annie Rooney: [to her father] That's just the blarney in you.
- Grandpop: That's just the baloney in him.
- Annie Rooney: [while discussing the play 'Pygmalion'] I think one of the characters is on the dippy side.
- Annie Rooney: Dad, we mustn't talk shop. After all, Marty isn't in the rubber business.
- Rooney: Why, one look at him and I can tell he has rubber in his blood.
- Annie Rooney: I was just thinking of what a tremendous difference a year makes. I know I must have been definitely ridiculous at 13.
- Rooney: How much would it cost?
- Annie Rooney: Oh, millions.
- [sighs]
- Annie Rooney: It's sorry to even think of it.