I've seen Random Harvest a number of times, but recently I watched it twice as part of TCM's Essentials series hosted by Sidney Pollack. This time I was inspired to read the James Hilton novel, Random Harvest, which I recommend to all lovers of the film. If you know the film, you won't get the little surprise at the end of the book -- you will know it already -- but it's still a most enjoyable and heartwarming read. You will see that Smithy/Charles Rainier is quite a young man at the beginning -- however, I did not find Ronald Colman too old in the role, he overcomes the age difference with his splendid performance. And he doesn't seem too old to play Charles Rainier, the prince of industry. I can't imagine another pair who could play the two romantic leads, Greer Garson is so radiant. And all of us who watch old films know that people did look more mature back then -- they looked like real adults! This is such a romantic film, everyone should see it. And Sidney Pollack was right not to remake it -- let well enough alone!