The failure of the original copyright holder to renew the film's copyright resulted in it falling into public domain, meaning that virtually anyone could duplicate and sell a VHS/DVD copy of the film. Therefore, many of the versions of this film available on the market are either severely (and usually badly) edited and/or of extremely poor quality, having been duped from second- or third-generation (or more) copies of the film.
The earliest documented telecast of this film occurred Monday 24 April 1944 on New York City's pioneer television station WNBT (Channel 1). Post-WWII televiewers got their first look at it in St. Louis Thursday 23 May 1948 on KSD (Channel 5), in Cincinnati Sunday 29 August 1948 on WLW-T (Channel 4), in New York City Thursday 27 January 1949 on WATV (Channel 13), in Los Angeles, Sunday 3 April 1949 on KTLA (Channel 5), in Chicago Sunday 29 May 1949 on WBKB (Channel 4), and in Detroit Sunday 10 July 1949 on WXYZ (Channel 7).