23 reviews
The score for Spy Smasher, a variation on Beethoven's fifth symphony, is a fabulous reminder of the era in which this classic serial was made.
While Spy Smasher is certainly one of the top 5 adventure serials ever made at Republic, it also is a rousing WW2 propaganda film. Check out the title sequence -- three dots and a dash appear on the screen, coinciding with the first four notes of Beethoven's fifth. Three dots and a dash are Morse code for the letter "V," made famous by Churchill's hand sign as a determination to defeat the Nazis and their cronies. Twin searchlights in the title sequence freeze into another V. The coded messages abound in Spy Smasher--even on Spy Smasher's belt buckle.
The action here is top notch, the cast capable, the stunt work great (as always at Republic) and the special effects likewise. If you like Republic serials (Zorro's Fighting Legion, Adventures of Captain Marvel, etc.) you MUST take a look at this one. It is one of the very best. Kane Richmond later went on to play the Shadow in a couple of films, one of which featured a killer who pulled his victims to their deaths off of balconies using a bullwhip, a stunt which was first seen in Spy Smasher. One thing I love about this chapterplay is the acknowledgment that we would not win the war without suffering losses. Great pacing, great action, great serial!
While Spy Smasher is certainly one of the top 5 adventure serials ever made at Republic, it also is a rousing WW2 propaganda film. Check out the title sequence -- three dots and a dash appear on the screen, coinciding with the first four notes of Beethoven's fifth. Three dots and a dash are Morse code for the letter "V," made famous by Churchill's hand sign as a determination to defeat the Nazis and their cronies. Twin searchlights in the title sequence freeze into another V. The coded messages abound in Spy Smasher--even on Spy Smasher's belt buckle.
The action here is top notch, the cast capable, the stunt work great (as always at Republic) and the special effects likewise. If you like Republic serials (Zorro's Fighting Legion, Adventures of Captain Marvel, etc.) you MUST take a look at this one. It is one of the very best. Kane Richmond later went on to play the Shadow in a couple of films, one of which featured a killer who pulled his victims to their deaths off of balconies using a bullwhip, a stunt which was first seen in Spy Smasher. One thing I love about this chapterplay is the acknowledgment that we would not win the war without suffering losses. Great pacing, great action, great serial!
10-year-old boys must have really gobbled this up when it was a brand-new serial back in 1942. Even now it has the power to involve and entertain with its narrative flow, frequent spurts of action, and that pounding musical introduction from Beethoven's Fifth. Best of all it has Kane Richmond, (born in Minneapolis in 1906), who has all the looks and manner you want in a serial hero. He also has amazingly tough skin. In Chapter One he's captured by the Nazis, bound against the wall of a Gestapo dungeon, and given a vigorous whipping across his bare chest -- but hardly seems to suffer so much as a paper-cut! Actually, this is one of those floggings where the whip is never shown touching its victim. Instead, the impression of a flogging is given by means of editing together various visual elements. In any case, this scene ranks 18th in the book, "Lash! The Hundred Great Scenes of Men Being Whipped in the Movies."
This action-packed serial never fails to amaze me--first-rate work by Kane Richmond in the lead and some of the best-choreographed action scenes to be found in any serial; the stunts are sometimes astonishing. Spy Smasher is as convincingly agile a serial good guy as I've seen; his falls from balconies during fights are truly breathtaking. Sure, none of the bad guys lose their fedoras during the intense fight scenes; but if you can't suspend disbelief during a serial, you shouldn't bother watching them in the first place. Several very clever cliffhangers are impossible to explain until their subsequent resolution in the succeeding chapter. The whole serial is stylish, exciting, fun, and even ends, notably, with the tragic death of a beloved favorite good-guy character. VERY HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!
This 12-chapter action serial from Republic Pictures, based on the Fawcett comic book character, was directed by William Witney. Alan Armstrong (Kane Richmond), in the guise of masked hero Spy Smasher, battles Nazi bad guys in occupied France. He follows their trail back to the US, where a secret gang of Nazi villains, led by the Mask (Hans Schumm), plots a campaign of sabotage and terror. Alan enlists the aid of his twin brother Jack (also Richmond), as well as retired Admiral Corby (Sam Flint) and his plucky daughter Eve (Marguerite Chapman), to stop the German menace.
This largely forgotten costumed hero makes for a good serial, with some of the best stunt work put to film, supervised by the legendary Yakima Canutt. The serial is also exceedingly violent compared to others of the time, with lots of gun play, including by the hero, who isn't above machine-gunning a foe or running one over with a car. Speaking of vehicles, there's also a lot of nice action scenes involving car chases, high-speed boats, and Spy Smasher's custom motorcycle. Although the action is above-average, the script is weaker, with unmemorable characters and only a vague understanding of who's doing what and why. Still, this is one of the better serials, and is recommended to fans of such.
This largely forgotten costumed hero makes for a good serial, with some of the best stunt work put to film, supervised by the legendary Yakima Canutt. The serial is also exceedingly violent compared to others of the time, with lots of gun play, including by the hero, who isn't above machine-gunning a foe or running one over with a car. Speaking of vehicles, there's also a lot of nice action scenes involving car chases, high-speed boats, and Spy Smasher's custom motorcycle. Although the action is above-average, the script is weaker, with unmemorable characters and only a vague understanding of who's doing what and why. Still, this is one of the better serials, and is recommended to fans of such.
The Movie Serial, at least since the advent of sound, has always been considered a sort of poor relative of the feature, if not an out and out bastard cousin. They were always sort of viewed with the cartoons as being strictly made for the Matinée, the juvenile trade. As a result, there really is no "CITIZEN KANE" of Serials. SPY SMASHER comes close.
To be sure,it is a product of Republic Pictures' "thrill factory"*, and has plenty of stock footage of explosions, fires, floods and other assorted calamities through out.All of these are skillfully woven into the final product. It still has a bright, vital out of doors look;as well as convincing indoor sets. It also has an excellent cast which is headed by energetic,athletic Kane Richmond. Next to Buster Crabbe, Mr. Richmond is probably the best leading man in the Sound Serials. He was also prolific,having been in several other serials.
We have over 100 Serials in VHS or DVD formats in our household.This one is a top notch film,period. See it, but don't expect any 'Camp Humor". It's just not there.**
NOTE* Republic adapted it from the popular comic book feature appearing in WHIZ COMICS. It was property of Fawcett Publications, whose CAPTAIN MARVEL was previously brought to the screen by Republc, in 1941.
NOTE **See also SPY SMASHER RETURNS (1966), the edited-down feature version made for Television.
To be sure,it is a product of Republic Pictures' "thrill factory"*, and has plenty of stock footage of explosions, fires, floods and other assorted calamities through out.All of these are skillfully woven into the final product. It still has a bright, vital out of doors look;as well as convincing indoor sets. It also has an excellent cast which is headed by energetic,athletic Kane Richmond. Next to Buster Crabbe, Mr. Richmond is probably the best leading man in the Sound Serials. He was also prolific,having been in several other serials.
We have over 100 Serials in VHS or DVD formats in our household.This one is a top notch film,period. See it, but don't expect any 'Camp Humor". It's just not there.**
NOTE* Republic adapted it from the popular comic book feature appearing in WHIZ COMICS. It was property of Fawcett Publications, whose CAPTAIN MARVEL was previously brought to the screen by Republc, in 1941.
NOTE **See also SPY SMASHER RETURNS (1966), the edited-down feature version made for Television.
- dbborroughs
- Jun 29, 2008
- Permalink
The old-time movie serials should never be judged by the same criteria of other films, even those made at the same time period. The serials were invariably outrageous, over-the-top, often ridiculous. But unlike Adam West's 'Batman' the serials were never self-conscious or deliberately campy. Although many serials featured a mildly humorous characters such as Jimmy Olsen or Whitey Whitney to provide occasional comic relief, on the whole, the actors and directors played everything straight and extremely earnest, no matter how absurd the situation or the scene. They did their best at every test.
The old movie serials were made with practically zero budget and at a forced-march pace, shooting in two days what would take 6 months under modern conditions. Those factors, combined with the primitive special effects then available and outdated cinematic conventions, give movie serials a look and feel unlike anything made in the last 52 years.
The final thing a modern person should know before watching an old serial is that 1940's movies had a more realistic vision of the male body than modern Hollywood. The men of this era had survived the depression (and later, WWII). When they were hungry, they ate meat and potatoes. The tough guys of this period lifted barbells and did push-ups, but they didn't have Soloflex, Nautilus, implants or steroids. Think about the last time you went to the beach: how many real world guys were built like Daniel Craig? In summary, it is best to watch the old serials from the perspective that you are looking at some kind of alternate reality, so as to suspend some of the prejudices of the modern cinema. Or perhaps as though one were a tourist in a foreign country: rather than seeing the differences as bizarre or deficient, but instead as being novel, interesting, and sometimes wondrous.
I have seen about 20 serials in my life, and 'Spy Smasher' is hands-down the best. Kane Richmond made an excellent hero and pulled off the double (or is it triple?) role very nicely. The action is well-paced, the special effects and sets, are, by serial standards, excellent. The fight scenes, cliff-hangers, and escapes are all the absolute best I have seen in any serial. The creativity and ingenuity used to choreograph the fight scenes are truly wondrous. If you are familiar with the 'Indiana Jones' films, you can literally see numerous instances where Spielberg borrowed and extrapolated from Spy Smasher.
And although the fight scenes are masterfully choreographed and have great stunt-work, they are much more plausible (therefore more interesting) than the kind of CGI/steroid-assisted stuff you see in modern action movie, in which human beings no longer seem bound by any biological or physical limits, being instead endowed with the powers of a video game.
There are a number of dramatic surprises as well, including some understatedly somber moments. Without spoiling too much, I will say that mortality is a factor.
The opening credits to each chapter, which feature the Morse Code signal for Victory, the opening notes of Beethoven's 5th, and an image of searchlights crossing the sky, accurately evoke the Churchill/Roosevelt mentality of the dark early days of WWII, the summoning up of righteous courage. This undercurrent of the real war, the outcome of which could not yet be known, gives Spy Smasher a resonance not found in other serials. But despite the influence of the historical moment, Spy Smasher is still predominately an escapist joy ride. Which is a good thing.
The old movie serials were made with practically zero budget and at a forced-march pace, shooting in two days what would take 6 months under modern conditions. Those factors, combined with the primitive special effects then available and outdated cinematic conventions, give movie serials a look and feel unlike anything made in the last 52 years.
The final thing a modern person should know before watching an old serial is that 1940's movies had a more realistic vision of the male body than modern Hollywood. The men of this era had survived the depression (and later, WWII). When they were hungry, they ate meat and potatoes. The tough guys of this period lifted barbells and did push-ups, but they didn't have Soloflex, Nautilus, implants or steroids. Think about the last time you went to the beach: how many real world guys were built like Daniel Craig? In summary, it is best to watch the old serials from the perspective that you are looking at some kind of alternate reality, so as to suspend some of the prejudices of the modern cinema. Or perhaps as though one were a tourist in a foreign country: rather than seeing the differences as bizarre or deficient, but instead as being novel, interesting, and sometimes wondrous.
I have seen about 20 serials in my life, and 'Spy Smasher' is hands-down the best. Kane Richmond made an excellent hero and pulled off the double (or is it triple?) role very nicely. The action is well-paced, the special effects and sets, are, by serial standards, excellent. The fight scenes, cliff-hangers, and escapes are all the absolute best I have seen in any serial. The creativity and ingenuity used to choreograph the fight scenes are truly wondrous. If you are familiar with the 'Indiana Jones' films, you can literally see numerous instances where Spielberg borrowed and extrapolated from Spy Smasher.
And although the fight scenes are masterfully choreographed and have great stunt-work, they are much more plausible (therefore more interesting) than the kind of CGI/steroid-assisted stuff you see in modern action movie, in which human beings no longer seem bound by any biological or physical limits, being instead endowed with the powers of a video game.
There are a number of dramatic surprises as well, including some understatedly somber moments. Without spoiling too much, I will say that mortality is a factor.
The opening credits to each chapter, which feature the Morse Code signal for Victory, the opening notes of Beethoven's 5th, and an image of searchlights crossing the sky, accurately evoke the Churchill/Roosevelt mentality of the dark early days of WWII, the summoning up of righteous courage. This undercurrent of the real war, the outcome of which could not yet be known, gives Spy Smasher a resonance not found in other serials. But despite the influence of the historical moment, Spy Smasher is still predominately an escapist joy ride. Which is a good thing.
- flapdoodle64
- Jan 24, 2008
- Permalink
The Spy Smasher serial follows a quite rigid formula. Each installment ends in a cliffhanger, the next one starts with how Spy Smasher gets out of the pickle he was in. He chases his enemies to a new location, fights them there, and stops their plan. Then he learns of a new plot, goes to where the bad guys are, and lands in a pickle (which is the next cliffhanger).
Having such a formula is not in itself a bad thing, as you can do lots of variation within it. But it is difficult to keep the excitement for 12 installments, when all of them are so similar. Spy smasher does not manage this, and could easily have been shortened to five episodes, and be all the better for it.
At its best, Spy Smasher has some great stunts and fights, fun twists and enjoyable cliff hangers. At its worst, the fights and twists feels like they are obligatory rather than meant to serve a purpose. The fight scenes are all quite similar, in that it revolves around men throwing themselves at each other, falling over furniture and more often than not running up or down a staircase. The locations differ, leading to an opportunity for different stunts each place.
This is probably common in serials like these, but in almost all of the cliffhangers, they cheat. Meaning that what they show in the end of one episode does not match how the next episode begins. Some of them are quite fun despite this. The last cliffhanger (chapter 11) does not cheat like this, but is instead one of the highlights of the whole serial.
If you are curious about the old serials, this is a good place to start, as it is mostly very fun. It is just too bad that they had to make so many installments, as it weakens the over all experience.
Having such a formula is not in itself a bad thing, as you can do lots of variation within it. But it is difficult to keep the excitement for 12 installments, when all of them are so similar. Spy smasher does not manage this, and could easily have been shortened to five episodes, and be all the better for it.
At its best, Spy Smasher has some great stunts and fights, fun twists and enjoyable cliff hangers. At its worst, the fights and twists feels like they are obligatory rather than meant to serve a purpose. The fight scenes are all quite similar, in that it revolves around men throwing themselves at each other, falling over furniture and more often than not running up or down a staircase. The locations differ, leading to an opportunity for different stunts each place.
This is probably common in serials like these, but in almost all of the cliffhangers, they cheat. Meaning that what they show in the end of one episode does not match how the next episode begins. Some of them are quite fun despite this. The last cliffhanger (chapter 11) does not cheat like this, but is instead one of the highlights of the whole serial.
If you are curious about the old serials, this is a good place to start, as it is mostly very fun. It is just too bad that they had to make so many installments, as it weakens the over all experience.
Sorry, I cannot join the chorus of enthusiastic support. It is true that the fight scenes are well choreographed and the twinning is effective. But...
Why does Spy Smasher wear a cape and goggles? He's not a super hero, has no special powers, so why bother with the outfit?
And for the first 8 or 9 episodes The Mask is always shown with a mask on, always hiding his identity. Then all of a sudden, from at least episode 10 on, The Mask never bothers to wear his mask. Why did he wear it at all? He's only wearing it when talking to his own henchmen. Or why did he stop? There was no big "reveal." Its not like all of a sudden we learn that The Mask was kindly old uncle so and so - he was a guy we had never seen before. So, who cares if he wears a mask or not?
I am a fan of the Republic serials, but this one seems weak even by Republic standards. Much better was Capt. Marvel, or even the Mysterious Doctor Satan.
Why does Spy Smasher wear a cape and goggles? He's not a super hero, has no special powers, so why bother with the outfit?
And for the first 8 or 9 episodes The Mask is always shown with a mask on, always hiding his identity. Then all of a sudden, from at least episode 10 on, The Mask never bothers to wear his mask. Why did he wear it at all? He's only wearing it when talking to his own henchmen. Or why did he stop? There was no big "reveal." Its not like all of a sudden we learn that The Mask was kindly old uncle so and so - he was a guy we had never seen before. So, who cares if he wears a mask or not?
I am a fan of the Republic serials, but this one seems weak even by Republic standards. Much better was Capt. Marvel, or even the Mysterious Doctor Satan.
- charlesadamek
- May 19, 2021
- Permalink
Spy Smasher is a rather good chapterplay. It features a rather obscure character from Whiz Comics (the same book that spawned Captain Marvel). From an adaptation point of view, it isn't very good, but then very few comic book-to-screen adaptations are all that true to the source material.
The cliffhangers are all acceptable and explainable from chapter to chapter (using the "they-don't-show-us-all-the-action" angle)...and the storyline is action-packed. The villain, The Mask, is a typical one spawned of both serials and comics of the times. There also doesn't seem to be a lot of stock footage use (though there is a bit of footage reuse in later chapters).
Kane Richmond isn't too much of an actor, but he is quite adequate here as the dashing identical twins and Spy Smasher. The rest of the cast isn't too noteworthy...nor do they have performances of any real note.
This is definitely a good example of a good movie serial...12 chapters that are worth the time to watch.
The cliffhangers are all acceptable and explainable from chapter to chapter (using the "they-don't-show-us-all-the-action" angle)...and the storyline is action-packed. The villain, The Mask, is a typical one spawned of both serials and comics of the times. There also doesn't seem to be a lot of stock footage use (though there is a bit of footage reuse in later chapters).
Kane Richmond isn't too much of an actor, but he is quite adequate here as the dashing identical twins and Spy Smasher. The rest of the cast isn't too noteworthy...nor do they have performances of any real note.
This is definitely a good example of a good movie serial...12 chapters that are worth the time to watch.
- Vigilante-407
- Mar 26, 1999
- Permalink
This movie earns its 3 for lousy writing, poor technical merit and continuity problems. Some people have given this movie a 10--and perhaps that is okay if you are simply scoring it for its fun factor. However, technically this is an inept movie serial from start to finish--produced by 3rd-rate writers, actors and crew. That really was true of nearly all the serials because they were meant as low-brow entertainment particularly aimed at the kids. And there's nothing wrong with that, but "high art" it ain't!! Spy Smasher earns a lower than average score compared to other serials because it is of even lower quality and has MAJOR continuity problems--even for a serial. It was common for a serial to have a "cliff hanger"--i.e., a moment at the end of the episode that looked as if the good guy dies but miraculously survives when the next episode began. BUT, in this film, it's much hokier and ridiculous. You would literally SEE the hero die in the last episode, but in the next, they re-shot the scene and showed he actually DIDN'T die (even though they clearly showed him buy the farm in the last one)! Again and again in SPY SMASHER he seems to die but in the next episode they show it from a different angle and he somehow avoided death--even if he fell 1500 feet into a river, fell into a buzz saw or whatever.
Watch this movie not for its quality but either for a good laugh or to learn what it was like to go to the movies on Saturday mornings decades ago.
By the way, a heavily edited version of this film was released in 1966 as a full-length film. Almost 2/3 of the original film was tossed but the new product did make more sense and lacked the impossible escapes that made the original laughable at times. Well worth seeing if you don't want to devote 3 1/2 hours to seeing the entire serial.
Watch this movie not for its quality but either for a good laugh or to learn what it was like to go to the movies on Saturday mornings decades ago.
By the way, a heavily edited version of this film was released in 1966 as a full-length film. Almost 2/3 of the original film was tossed but the new product did make more sense and lacked the impossible escapes that made the original laughable at times. Well worth seeing if you don't want to devote 3 1/2 hours to seeing the entire serial.
- planktonrules
- Apr 30, 2006
- Permalink
This is the finest serial ever made. Kane Richmond plays twin brothers battling Nazi agents in America. With expert casting, stunt work and direction this is Republic's finest hour in cliffhangers. The serial never drags and the camera work and doubling creating the illusion of twin is peerless.
- antonio1952
- Mar 28, 2000
- Permalink
The greatest movie theater serial of all time. Nothing comes close, with more action, stunts and fighting the best I have ever seen in any movie serial. Plenty of explosive action. 12 episodes of action from start to finish. Combating Nazi spies in the USA during WWII takes place with the SpySmasher helping American agents.
- Feb 21, 2021
- Permalink
There's a reason why serial fans call Spy Smasher one of the best serial movies ever made. But I don't think they go far enough. Spy Smasher is one of the best ACTION movies ever made...
This movie has something which modern action/superhero movies don't. As much as I enjoyed Justice League and Captain America: Winter Soldier, the stunts and the fight scenes never feel as real as they do in the old serials. I don't believe that Henry Cavill can fly, but I know that Commandy Cody does. And I'm sorry Cap, but that's not fighting, it's dancing. Modern filmmakers are too obsessed about stunts/fights looking "cool" or "beautiful". In reality, they're just silly and predictable. And way too long.
Old movie: Punch punch block punch! Villains fall down! Hero gets punched in face and falls on his butt! Punch punch! Someone picks up a chair and throws it! Punch!
Modern movie: Punch block kick block slow motion punch! "Sexy" villainess head tilt! Hero wipes blood from lip! Hero jumps up in the air and spins around before kicking villain four times in a row! Blood flying through air in slow motion! CGI monsters kill CGI robots!
There's no CGI, wires or slow motion in Spy Smasher. Just real people doing real stunts. It looks and feels like the hero is in actual danger and could be hurt or killed by the villains. It's more intense than any of the Die Hard movies.
And best of all, there's no unnecessary sex scenes or gory violence in it. It's mostly safe to watch with the rest of the family (ages 7 and up). Now imagine if they combined the qualities of the old comic book movies (real action, no vulgar content, more heroic characters) with the modern ones (complex characters, better costumes, better writing and acting). That would be the best superhero movie ever.
This movie has something which modern action/superhero movies don't. As much as I enjoyed Justice League and Captain America: Winter Soldier, the stunts and the fight scenes never feel as real as they do in the old serials. I don't believe that Henry Cavill can fly, but I know that Commandy Cody does. And I'm sorry Cap, but that's not fighting, it's dancing. Modern filmmakers are too obsessed about stunts/fights looking "cool" or "beautiful". In reality, they're just silly and predictable. And way too long.
Old movie: Punch punch block punch! Villains fall down! Hero gets punched in face and falls on his butt! Punch punch! Someone picks up a chair and throws it! Punch!
Modern movie: Punch block kick block slow motion punch! "Sexy" villainess head tilt! Hero wipes blood from lip! Hero jumps up in the air and spins around before kicking villain four times in a row! Blood flying through air in slow motion! CGI monsters kill CGI robots!
There's no CGI, wires or slow motion in Spy Smasher. Just real people doing real stunts. It looks and feels like the hero is in actual danger and could be hurt or killed by the villains. It's more intense than any of the Die Hard movies.
And best of all, there's no unnecessary sex scenes or gory violence in it. It's mostly safe to watch with the rest of the family (ages 7 and up). Now imagine if they combined the qualities of the old comic book movies (real action, no vulgar content, more heroic characters) with the modern ones (complex characters, better costumes, better writing and acting). That would be the best superhero movie ever.
With some of the best fight scenes Hollywood ever produced, a viewer can only marvel at the quality of this excellent serial, called by many the best, or at least one of the best, ever.
With both Dave Sharpe and Yakima Canutt present, although un-billed and credited only here at IMDb and among knowledgeable movie fans, we have to expect the very best in stunt work. And we get it.
To repeat: Some of the best fight scenes ever produced in Hollywood.
From the very beginning, we get a beautifully effective use of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony, with the "V" motif, "V for Victory," which is perfect for 1942.
It's very important to remember that 1942 context. Modern audiences are probably more used to pyrotechnics and glitz, of which there is none or very little.
But what we get is a great story, with some truth in the basic premise of the bad guys' plot: An intention to ruin the U.S. economy by flooding the country with counterfeit money. (This has a truthful basis: Several times in the last 100 years, warring nations, or cold-warring nations, have attempted to subvert an enemy's economy just that way. For example, the Germans during World War II, and North Korea more recently. They didn't succeed, but at least a couple of U.S. administrations took over and flooded the economy with pretty-nearly worthless Federal Reserve notes in such numbers, prices soared as much as 20 percent!)
We also get some good acting, some great directing, and some very great special effects from Republic's master, Howard Lydecker.
The good acting comes not only from the listed stars and "withs," but from all the stunt-men-bad-guys and from the good guys who might eventually get killed by the nefarious bad guys.
All in all, this is one great, one astonishingly great serial, available for home ownership, for rental from various sources, and for free at YouTube. Try to pick carefully. One uploader says his version is from a not-very-good VHS.
But this is one great adventure, one exciting serial, one thoroughly entertaining, even enthralling, movie experience. From Republic. I like the sound of that word. And I highly recommend "Spy Smasher."
With both Dave Sharpe and Yakima Canutt present, although un-billed and credited only here at IMDb and among knowledgeable movie fans, we have to expect the very best in stunt work. And we get it.
To repeat: Some of the best fight scenes ever produced in Hollywood.
From the very beginning, we get a beautifully effective use of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony, with the "V" motif, "V for Victory," which is perfect for 1942.
It's very important to remember that 1942 context. Modern audiences are probably more used to pyrotechnics and glitz, of which there is none or very little.
But what we get is a great story, with some truth in the basic premise of the bad guys' plot: An intention to ruin the U.S. economy by flooding the country with counterfeit money. (This has a truthful basis: Several times in the last 100 years, warring nations, or cold-warring nations, have attempted to subvert an enemy's economy just that way. For example, the Germans during World War II, and North Korea more recently. They didn't succeed, but at least a couple of U.S. administrations took over and flooded the economy with pretty-nearly worthless Federal Reserve notes in such numbers, prices soared as much as 20 percent!)
We also get some good acting, some great directing, and some very great special effects from Republic's master, Howard Lydecker.
The good acting comes not only from the listed stars and "withs," but from all the stunt-men-bad-guys and from the good guys who might eventually get killed by the nefarious bad guys.
All in all, this is one great, one astonishingly great serial, available for home ownership, for rental from various sources, and for free at YouTube. Try to pick carefully. One uploader says his version is from a not-very-good VHS.
But this is one great adventure, one exciting serial, one thoroughly entertaining, even enthralling, movie experience. From Republic. I like the sound of that word. And I highly recommend "Spy Smasher."
- morrisonhimself
- Apr 12, 2015
- Permalink
- talkpingp1
- Nov 9, 2008
- Permalink
- JohnHowardReid
- Apr 15, 2018
- Permalink
I do so love to watch professionals at work.
When you watch "Spy Smasher," you see a genre and a studio at the top of their form. Everything in this serial clicks and hums along like a well-oiled machine. The plot is exciting and as logical as it need be, the music fast and inspiring, the cliffhangers harrowing, and the acting professional and dead-on. It's Republic Studios at the height of their game, ancestor to the big action flicks of today, and sheer pleasure to watch.
When you watch "Spy Smasher," you see a genre and a studio at the top of their form. Everything in this serial clicks and hums along like a well-oiled machine. The plot is exciting and as logical as it need be, the music fast and inspiring, the cliffhangers harrowing, and the acting professional and dead-on. It's Republic Studios at the height of their game, ancestor to the big action flicks of today, and sheer pleasure to watch.
This is an extremely well made serial. The cast is capable and the script is fast paced. Each chapter seems to contain at least one unexpected plot twist. There are no resolutions to cliff hangers which consist of the hero standing up, brushing himself off and walking away after experiencing a cataclysmic explosion, crash, fire, cave in, etc. Highly recommended.
But there are other serials from this director that are also excellent: G MEN VS BLACK DRAGON, ADVENTURES OF CAPTAIN MARVEL, DAREDEVILS OF THE RED CIRCLE.... Always the same hypersonic pace, that let you jaw dropped, literally, visually smashed by those astounding action scenes, that look like choreography working like clockwork. Yes, William Witney was the master of the serial genre, and even after he stopped serial in 1946 with CRIMSOM GHOST - not his best - after he left his place to Spencer Gordon Bennett at Republic Pictures, the following serials, even without him, remained very exciting to watch. Of course, in a serial, forget the plot, make it fun, and focus on the action sequences. William Lava music plus Lydecker brothers special effects do the rest. Magic serials...Then billion times better than today's super f...heroes.
- searchanddestroy-1
- Jun 1, 2024
- Permalink
So much furniture is smashed during the multitude of fight scenes. Maybe he should change his name to Furniture Smasher.
It's predictable fare but still fun to watch.
It's predictable fare but still fun to watch.