- [on their wedding night, a policeman appears at the Myles's hotel room door demanding Richard's depart with him immediately]
- Frances Myles: This is no time for a practical joke.
- Const. Jones: It's no joke, ma'am.
- Frances Myles: It's not practical, either.
- Richard Myles: Darling, the less you know, or appear to know, the better.
- Frances Myles: That's what my mother told me the night I came out in Boston.
- [newlyweds Richard and Frances Myles register at a hotel under assumed names]
- Walmer Hotel proprietor: Mr. and Mrs. Smith? I suppose that's all right. Mind you draw the blinds.
- Richard Myles: [embarrassed] Huh?
- Walmer Hotel proprietor: There's a practice blackout tonight.
- Frances Myles: Richard, just think of what's ahead of us.
- Richard Myles: [thinking of his wedding night] Yes... think of it.
- Gestapo man: Heil Hitler!
- Frances Myles: Good day.
- Gestapo man: I gave you our German greeting, American!
- Richard Myles: We gave you ours, dope.
- Frances Myles: Oh, Germany is certainly a beautiful country isn't it?
- Richard Myles: Only one thing wrong with it.
- Frances Myles: What's that?
- Richard Myles: Too many Germans.
- Frances Myles: Allah have mercy it just isn't true!
- Richard Myles: What?
- Frances Myles: It's Aunt Hattie and Aunt Ellen from Boston.
- Richard Myles: [Looks down at wristwatch] It's almost 10 o'clock!
- Frances Myles: I know, here they come what'll we do?
- Frances Myles: Drug them heavily and ship them to Rio.
- [Both smile and great them]