Lloyd Nolan credited as playing...
Corp. Barney Todd
- Sergeant Bill Dane: Eh, Todd?
- Corp. Barney Todd: Yeah?
- Sergeant Bill Dane: First hitch in the Army?
- Corp. Barney Todd: I was a little young for World War I.
- Sergeant Bill Dane: Ah, You could've made it.
- Corp. Barney Todd: You're right, Sailor. You're dead right. That's what we oughta do. Those poor civilians are havin' a tough time... havin' to give up their gas and tires and sugar... and havin' to buy bonds. We gotta keep up their morale.
- Sergeant Bill Dane: Thanks for giving us your views on the subject, Corporal.
- Corp. Barney Todd: Volunteered for duty in the Philippines, September 11, 1941. Anything else you'd like to know?
- Corp. Barney Todd: Don't you know any other songs?
- Wesley Eeps: Sure, but I'm partial to the "St. Louis Blues".
- Sergeant Bill Dane: Don't make it tough for him.
- Corp. Barney Todd: I never make it tough for anybody, Sarge.