Lucille Ball credited as playing...
Lucille Ball
- Lucille Ball: [as she steps off the train at Winsocki, encounteirng nobody but a barking dog] My public!
- Lucille Ball: Did anyone ever tell you you are charming and handsome?
- Dutch Miller: No.
- Lucille Ball: Then what ever gave you the idea?
- Bud Hooper: Well, couldn't we go outside, where it's dark?
- Lucille Ball: Why, Bud.
- Bud Hooper: Oh, I didn't mean what I sounded like I meant.
- Lucille Ball: That little guy'll die if he doesn't get to West Point.
- Jack O'Riley: I didn't go to West Point and I'm not dead.
- Lucille Ball: Wanna bet?
- Lucille Ball: Major, the Flying Tigers were full of Bud Hoopers. And do you know what they used at the field in Chung King to tell which way the wind was blowing? My silk stockings.
- Lucille Ball: They did not rip my dress off - they were merely collecting souvenirs. That's the kind of people we are in this country. We collect goal posts, manhole covers, bottle tops, or, in my case, a dress.