Curly Howard credited as playing...
Curly Wrong
- Moe Wrong: [seeing Curly sawing one of the plane's wings] No, nitwit! You saw the garage!
- Curly Wrong: I see the garage, but I don't saw the garage. You are speaking incorrectly. You are moidering the king's English! Et cetera! See, saw, see...
- Moe Wrong: [grabs Curly by the neck and shakes him] Shut up! You saw one side and Larry will saw the other.
- Curly Wrong: Oh I see, I saw!
- [saws Moe's arm]
- Moe Wrong: [grabs the saw from Curly] Not like that, like this!
- [smacks Curly in the face with the saw then saws his head as Curly yells in pain]
- Curly Wrong: Oh, look!
- [he and Moe notice that Curly's head destroyed the saw's edges]
- Moe Wrong: [to Curly] Where's your vice?
- Curly Wrong: Vice? I have no vice. I'm as pure as driven snow.
- Moe Wrong: But ya drifted!
- [bonks Curly on the head]
- Moe Wrong: Get outta here! Get the vice!
- Larry Wrong: Hey, wait a minute! Who's gonna fly the Buzzard? We dunno anything about flyin'!
- Moe Wrong: Neither did the Wright Brothers, but they flew! Anything the Wright brothers can do, the Wrong Brothers can do! Right?
- Larry Wrong: Right!
- Curly Wrong: Wrong.
- [Moe and Larry gang up on him]
- Curly Wrong: Brothers!
- Curly Wrong: [to Moe who is about to hit him with an oar Larry used to mix the rubber cement] Don't you dare hit me in the head! You know I'm not normal!
- Moe Wrong: I'll normal you!
- [prepares to hit Curly, but the oar sticks to Larry's hair due to the rubber cement]
- Moe Wrong: We're losing altitude. We gotta get rid of some weight.
- Curly Wrong: [Larry and Moe look at Curly] What are you looking at me for?
- Curly Wrong: Hey Moe, what are you doin' up there?
- Moe Wrong: It's the gas, you idiots!
- Curly Wrong: Can I get you some bicarbonate?
- Moe Wrong: Shut up and get me down!
- Moe Wrong: We made it! We get a chance to finish the Buzzard -- the greatest plane ever made!
- Larry Wrong: [deeply agrees] Nobody thought of inventin' a plane like ours.
- Curly Wrong: You said it! We're great inventors -- Robert Fulton, Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, Don Ameche, and us!