Billy 'Froggy' Laughlin credited as playing...
- Happy: Janet! What are you doing here?
- Janet Burston: I'm running away from home.
- Mickey, Froggy, Happy, Buckwheat: What?
- Janet Burston: I'm having family troubles.
- Buckwheat: What's it all about?
- Froggy: You see Mr. and Mrs. Jones, this little girl has been having trouble with her family. So, she wants to get adapted by somebody else. But, I must tell you if you take this little girl, you gotta take her cat too.
- Janet Burston: Yeah! Cause outside the Gang, my kitten is the only friend I've got.
- Janet Burston, Mickey, Happy, Buckwheat, Froggy: Hey, you're all blacked up!
- Janet Burston, Mickey, Happy: So are you.
- Janet Burston: I want to go home!
- Mickey: Gosh, Janet, we can't take you home until it gets dark. You want us to get shot?
- Froggy: Wait a minute! With this black on our face, nobody'll know us. We can take you home now.
- Mickey, Happy, Buckwheat: Sure!
- [last lines]
- Froggy: All's well that end's well, I always say.
- Jasper Burston, Janet's father: Froggy, Shakespeare said that.
- Froggy: He did? Shucks!