I'm inserting reviews for films I've seen that lack one, review.... Weaker entry in the series, here the daughter gets kidnapped in Portugal by wine thieves. Not much of a review I'm afraid, but it's not much of a film, the copy I saw in Nov-'07 was soft, worn & cut to 73 min' I'm not certain if any good copies of this film survive, as it mine is only it's 9th vote here. It would be useful if a fan of the film / OMR series was to post a review, till then this is it. I need to pad as the above is insufficient waffle for IMDb to accept, so I will add that A,Lucan appeared on film on 17 occasions, always as OMR, and K.McShane made 16 appearances, as Kitty only absent in the final film, some 9 years and 5 films after this one.