Lana Turner credited as playing...
Peggy Evans aka Carol Burden
- Peggy Evans aka Carol Burden: We have a special on jumbo banana splits today. They're *delicious*!
- Banana Split Customer: Ohh, I'm on a diet!
- Peggy Evans aka Carol Burden: Oh, that's wrong, ma'am. You should *never* diet.
- Banana Split Customer: No?
- Peggy Evans aka Carol Burden: No. You should force yourself to eat. More and more, all the time. Then you'll get to hate eating. And then you'll get thin without any trouble at all!
- Banana Split Customer: Why, I never thought of it that way!
- Peggy Evans aka Carol Burden: Good! One "jumbo" coming up!
- Bob Stuart: You're not a basket weaver, you're a soda squirt!
- Peggy Evans aka Carol Burden: Don't you call me a "squirt"!
- Doorman: [Not recognizing Peggy as she comes out of the shop with a complete makeover] Your car, mademoiselle?
- Peggy Evans aka Carol Burden: "Miss mademoiselle" to you.
- Doorman: [Looks confused] Oh...
- Peggy Evans aka Carol Burden: If I turn out to be your daughter, I'm going to run away from home!
- Cornelius Burden: [sourly] And I'll help you!
- Peggy Evans aka Carol Burden: Don't worry, Baba. I promise you faithfully, I won't get married - till I find someone as nice as father.
- Baba: Well, if you do, I hope you find someone with more sense.
- Cornelius Burden: Why, do you think I'm insane? Let you go away alone with a man who you feel is not your husband?
- Peggy Evans aka Carol Burden: But don't you see? If I am alone with him, why, I can find out everything. I can trap him. Because he won't be suspecting anything. But it would be different if you were along, because he'd be on his guard.
- Cornelius Burden: But Carol, if I were to let you go, and something happened to you, why, why... I'd kill myself.
- Claudius Swade - Owner of Motel: Wait! Come back! You can have the room tonight.
- Peggy Evans aka Carol Burden: Oh, that's wonderful!
- Bob Stuart: But... we haven't any money!
- Claudius Swade - Owner of Motel: Aw, forget it! I'll charge a little to building maintenance. A little to overhead, the rest to Mr. Popper, in bungalow 5.
- Bob Stuart: Just one more thing: you're Carole Burden, all right. You're not Peggy Evans.
- Peggy Evans aka Carol Burden: How do you know?
- Bob Stuart: Because Peggy Evans was a whining little coward afraid to face life. She was hysterical and selfish. You are the finest, the bravest girl there ever was. You were willing to accept me - a complete stranger - as your husband. You left your home, and your father, to come with me because you thought it was right. You're the most wonderful girl I ever knew.
- Bob Stuart: That's all.
- [turns and leaves]
- [Last lines]
- Peggy Evans aka Carol Burden: Oh, Johnny...
- Bob Stuart: The name is "Bob," Carol.
- Peggy Evans aka Carol Burden: The name is "Peggy," Johnny.
- Bob Stuart: Maybe we'd better just call each other Mister and Missus.
- Peggy Evans aka Carol Burden: Maybe talking at all is... just a waste of time.
- [they commence to kiss]
- Peggy Evans aka Carol Burden: But you're going to teach me, aren't you?
- Bob Stuart: Everything I know is at your disposal.