Charles Bickford credited as playing...
Father Peyramale
- Bernadette: Your Reverence, I DID see her.
- Peyramale: Yes, my child, you did. And you will see her again.
- Bernadette: Perhaps I haven't suffered enough.
- Peyramale: You've suffered enough, my child, for the Heaven of Heavens.
- Bishop of Tarbes: The Commission can render only one of three decisions. First: "You're an impostor, little Soubirous. Away with you to a home of juvenile delinquents". Second: "You're a madwoman, little Soubirous. Away with you to an asylum". Third...
- Peyramale: "You are the rarest of mortal beings, little Soubirous".
- Peyramale: [to Bernadette] Wake up! Now! Else life is at an end for you. You are playing with fire, Bernadette.