My girlfriend bought me a 16mm print of this PRC flick a few weeks ago, and we projected it last night for the first time on the big screen! Before I get into the review there was something of interest about the print. First off this print is what we used to call in film exchanges a "Cannibalized Print" That is to say they used three prints to make up this one. The first part of the print was struck on Kodak stock in 1945, and the last part of the print was Kodak 1944. However most of the body of the print was brand new, and struck on Kodak stock made in 1976. Which means they were still making and exchanging 16mm prints for television as late as 1976! It is a reduction print which means it was a print down from 35mm negatives. The picture and sound quality was very close to 35mm. I do know that in the 1970's Bonded Film Services shipped the PRC library to television stations nationwide. By the early 1980's most of the exchange prints were junked. I love owning and projecting these old pictures rather than watching them on DVDS or YouTube. The motion picture film print makes watching these old films very special. PRC which people in the 1940's would jokingly call "Pretty Rotten Cinema" (yes even then they didn't fall for most of this crap!) PRC was one of my favorite studios - and I just love every piece of crap they turned out! If I could own the ultimate 16 or 35mm film print collection it was be all of the PRC pictures! I started collecting film prints in the 1970's in high school, and I loved PRC films! "The Lady Chaser" 1946 was the first film print of a PRC ever owned, I wish I still had that print now! So when I see them on line in 16mm I buy them! Who cares if it's crap! They are still better than pictures made today in Covid-19 2021! I look forward to a second screening in the summer of 2021! Plus I love Iris Adrian she has 160 plus screen credits and when she was in her twenties she was a babe! And just because the plot was so bad, I give it ten stars! I loved it! I can't wait to get my Covid-19 vaccination so I can get sick and die! Cheers!