This Is the Army (1943)
Alan Hale: Sgt. McGee
Sgt. McGee : What's the matter with you Twardofsky? Don't you like our early morning calisthenics?
Pvt. Twardofsky : Well, I didn't like 'em at first.
Sgt. McGee : Oh, you didn't like 'em at first. How do you like 'em now?
Pvt. Twardofsky : I'm still on first.
Sgt. McGee : How'd you get in the Army?
Tommy : Politics.
Sgt. McGee : Is that a reason?
Tommy : Look Sergeant, I got three reasons for bein' in the Army. First, I'm patriotic. Second, I love my country. And third, they nailed me.
Pvt. Twardofsky : And that goes for me too.
Sgt. McGee : Listen, you two birds report to me immediately after this formation.
[Next scene, Tommy and Maxie are peeling potatoes]
Pvt. Twardofsky : You and my big mouth.
Sgt. McGee : Shut up, back there!
Pvt. Twardofsky : [Marching, out of ear shot of the Sgt. McGee] There's one of the nicest guys ever born.
Tommy : That guy wasn't born, he was issued.
Jerry Jones : [after the cross-dressing blackface number] Great! Wonderful! And you kids were worried a minstrel number being too old fashioned! Why, it went just as well tonight as it did in the old show!
Sgt. McGee : Grown-up guys in dames clothes! If that ain't a sad sack of bananas!
Jerry Jones : Oh, McGee!
Sgt. McGee : I've had strict orders not to use profanities so I can't tell you what I think about army shows.
Sgt. McGee : Dames clothes! What must their mothers think?
Jerry Jones : Now, listen McGee, opening night is trouble enough without having you around -
[stops, looks at McGee, winks at Johnny]
Johnny Jones : Sgt. McGee, as stage manager of this troupe, I order you to report to wardrobe, for assignment to "Ladies of the Chorus".
Sgt. McGee : What! Over my dead body!
[Starts to storm off]
Johnny Jones : Corporal of the Guard!
[MPs escort Sgt. McGee to wardrobe]
Maj. John B. Davidson : That was the war to end all wars. And now we got a new one. Well, what are we waiting for? A new war? Or a new show!
Sgt. McGee : I knew it! Sir.
Maj. John B. Davidson : Well, Jerry, what do you say? Will you help?
Jerry Jones : Sure, I'll help. It will be something fine for the boys to remember; because, I'm afraid there will be a lot of it they'll want to forget. Incidentally, Colonel, it just reminded me. I've got a son right here at the camp. He's got a little talent. Maybe we can use him?