Anthony Quinn credited as playing...
Chief Yellow Hand
- Yellow Hand: Now there is no debt and no friendship between us. If we meet in battle, as a brave of the Cheyenne, I will take the scalp of Pahashka and hang it on his lodge pole.
- William F. 'Buffalo Bill' Cody: It may be easier to hang it than to take it, Yellow Hand.
- Yellow Hand: Men of the Nation. There's a black cloud coming from the east to cover us all. We, the Cheyenne, have called our brothers of the Sioux so we can hear the words about this thing. Yesterday, the buffalo was many as the blades of grass upon the prairie. Today, the buffalo is few as the leaves on an oak tree in winter. The white man has done this thing so the red man will starve. When the buffalo is done, we starve. We'll have no meat to eat, no hide to make tepees, no robes to make beds. Brothers, it's not good for man to hear his woman and children crying. It's a bad thing for a man to starve. There are better ways to die.