Tom Tully credited as playing...
Mr. Marshall
- Mr. Marshall: [after they sing a Christmas carol together] Well, it feels pretty comfortable to have another man's voice around at Christmastime.
- Mrs. Marshall: I'm sure Barbara's doing her best to arrange that for you, Henry.
- Barbara Marshall: Oh, mother.
- Mrs. Marshall: Oh, darling. Maybe family jokes are in bad taste. They make the guest feel out of place.
- Zachary Morgan: No, ma'am. I haven't felt so easy in a long time. This is the best Christmas dinner I ever had. Yesterday, I was a stranger here. I mean, I felt like a prisoner inside myself. Now, just to be in a home like this, with people like you, maybe someplace I can come back to next month, or next year...
- Zachary Morgan: [Mrs. Marshall comes in with a flaming plum pudding] I never could figure out why the pudding never gets burned.
- Mary Marshall: I've never been able to figure that out either. Must be the alcohol in the brandy.
- Zachary Morgan: I think.
- Mr. Marshall: Personally, I think it's a shame to burn good brandy. That quart I brought home last week was imported cognac.
- Mrs. Marshall: Oh, don't worry, Henry, I didn't burn up the whole quart.
- Barbara Marshall: Oh, I wouldn't trust Mom with it, Dad.
- Mr. Marshall: Maybe you're right. Remember last year, how Mom got going on just a glass of sherry?
- Mrs. Marshall: Now I'm not going to listen to that again!
- Barbara Marshall: You may not believe this about your dear Aunt Sarah, but last year she got high as a kite.
- Zachary Morgan: If they're trying to drag out a family skeleton, Mrs. Marshall, I won't listen to them.
- Mrs. Marshall: Oh, it's just one of those little things that happen, people start exaggerating.
- Mr. Marshall: Exaggerate, my eye! It's as true as I sit here. Last year, Mother and I had a glass of sherry to bring in the new year. And then we went to a little gathering, all the way across town, it was. Mother had her skirt on backwards!
- Mrs. Marshall: See here, Henry, if you're in such good voice, how about a Christmas carol?
- Barbara Marshall: Dad. Dad, I want to ask you a question.
- Mr. Marshall: Fine. Fire away.
- Barbara Marshall: You know, you never told me anything about Mary. I mean, why she was sent to prison, and why she ...
- Mr. Marshall: You can find out about that some other time, when you're a little older.
- Barbara Marshall: But it can't be so secret. I don't see why I shouldn't know.
- Mr. Marshall: Barbara, you can find out about that some other time. It's just that Mary made a little mistake, and that's all there is to it.
- Barbara Marshall: But they don't send people to prison for just doing nothing.
- Mr. Marshall: Now, look, Barbara, I'm trying to listen to the radio and work this puzzle, and I can't take on any other jobs at the moment.
- Barbara Marshall: But, what if my friends ask me about her? What'll I tell them? They'll want to know why ...
- Mr. Marshall: Just tell them that Mary is your cousin. From that point on, they can mind their own business. And it seems to me that your business might be helping your mother out in the kitchen.
- Barbara Marshall: [laughing] Oh, Dad. Sometimes the way you talk to me, you make me feel like I'm an adopted daughter or something.
- Mrs. Marshall: Oh, I understood, Mary. When Zach said he was a stranger, you felt as if the words were coming from your own lips.
- Mr. Marshall: Might have happened to any girl. Could have been just Christmas sentiment. Good night, Mary.
- Mary Marshall: Good night, Uncle Henry.
- Mr. Marshall: Good night. Don't forget to turn out the lights, Sarah.
- Mrs. Marshall: All right, dear. So don't worry about making a scene.
- Mary Marshall: Well, I'm not worrying about that, Aunt Sarah. I was just wondering if I shouldn't tell him about me.
- Mrs. Marshall: Oh, not for the world.
- Mary Marshall: You don't think so?
- Mrs. Marshall: Well, why?
- Mary Marshall: Well, he trusts me, and it doesn't seem fair.
- Mrs. Marshall: Oh, there's no reason for it, Mary. He'll only be here for a few days. He's lonely, and you're making things pleasant for him.
- Mary Marshall: That's not the reason I'm seeing him, Aunt Sarah. Because I like him. I like him a lot.
- Mrs. Marshall: Of course you do, dear, but it isn't as if you were going to marry him.
- Mary Marshall: No. It's not as if I was going to marry him.
- Mrs. Marshall: I didn't mean it like that, dear.
- Mary Marshall: I know.
- Mrs. Marshall: Have fun, Mary. See Zach everyday, if you like. Act like any other girl.
- Mary Marshall: I try, Aunt Sarah, but I can't seem to make myself feel like any other girl. I just feel like me.
- Mrs. Marshall: And that's pretty darn good. Now you have fun.