Contrary to the above 'goof', Moss Rose is a genuine rose type, sports of the Centifolia and Damask roses, first recorded in France in 1696.
Many varieties are grown, mainly white or pink, double flowered and heavily scented.
Since the story takes place sometime during the Victorian era, the steam locomotive en route to Toronto shown in the beginning and at the end of the film is clearly from a later time-frame and certainly of a U.S. manufacture based on the fact that the film was an American production. Unfortunately, the 4-digit number in its angled holder on the edge of the locomotive's top front is not clear enough to make a positive ID unless exact details can be gleaned from a pristine copy of the film or other more comprehensive sources such as stock footage, etc.
The plant of the title is of the Portaluca genus, a flowering succulent with fleshy leaves, often found growing in cracks in walls. Each time the plant is shown here however, the Set Decorators have gone for literal roses (genus Rosa), quite a different plant.